Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Zero Team
With Capcom dominating the Arcade Scene in the 90s it is very easy to overlook other beat em up games which actually can be hidden gem. I have been looking for this particular game called Zero Team for a long time already ever since i got my hand on MAME only until recently that i managed to find it. Considering when i was a kid i only know this cool game from the main characters being red and blue Ninjas shooting up lightnings but my persistence paid it off!
Zero Team is the first and only beat em up games made by Seibu Kaihatsu, a developer well known for the Shooter game series, Raiden. This game is your run of the mill Six-Stage beat em ups but a solid one nonetheless. Zero Team features 4 different playable characters with slightly differing movesets and same finisher which i mostly use the Red Ninja guy when i was a kid though never managed to finish the game until now.
As standard as it gets, Zero Team did have one thing to distinguish itself apart from other beat em ups. This might seems sexist but Zero Team had the sexiest Female Heroine of all beat em ups, Spin. I think even Blaze from Street of Rage still lose to Spin which say something. Unfortunately for a fine piece of ass like Spin, her character doesn't get much attention since she come from a one shot title which relatively obscure.
Overall Zero team had quite some fierce competition among the Beat em ups, but i think it could make it to my Top 5 list despite the first Three titles had been occupied by other titles already. Zero Team is easily a must play game for Arcade Beat em ups if you haven't touched the title before
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