Monday, June 3, 2024

Konosuba PROOF 1/7 Aqua Fairy Tale Ver

 In Konosuba, Aqua might be a useless Goddess that become deadweight for Kazuma's party most of the time, but one certainly cannot deny her charm as a goddess. With the release of Konosuba 3rd season, the new merchandise for the series are starting to flow in once again and obviously Aqua got a share of it. Previously Aqua had plenty of PVC figure dedicated for her but this one gotta be the most unique so far! Created by a manufacturer called PROOF, this version of Aqua is based on Alice in the Wonderland which will be sold for 19800 Yen Price tag with December 2024 release.

While this figure is not the most exact fit for Aqua archetype, compared to previous Aqua Figures this one probably one of the better value. Considering the price tag is around 20k Yen with all cost considered might as well get the most unique version for Aqua which this figure fits the bill. Given that Konosuba Season 3 is keep airing, I will probably give it a watch in near future, at least until I cleared some of my anime backlogs.

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