Friday, September 13, 2024

Warhammer 40000: Marneus Calgar

 Being the Posterboy of Warhammer 40k, Ultramarines has been always the recipients of many preferential treatment in media Exposure, including Comic Books. Of all publishers, I am surprised that Marvel was the one to be the partner for the 40K book but it is a decent read nonetheless. From this collab project we got ourselves a Comic Book dedicated to Ultramarines Papa Smurf, Marneus Calgar. This particular comic take the reader to visit Calgar's past before he became Space Marine and his quest as the Chapter Master to settle his old debt.

While many 40K fans are not amused with the golden child treatment for Ultrasmurfs by Geedubs, While I favored some Pre Heresy Traitor Legions and Salamanders more, I do admit Ultramarines are quite worthy First Founding nonetheless after I moved on from Matt Ward memes, as there are plenty of named Ultramarines that are worthy representing the Chapter's ethos of "Courage and Honor" which Marneus Calgar do count as one. Nonetheless Marneus Calgar had relatively interesting backstory despite being the chapter master of one of the more "Vanilla" Space Marine Chapter. As even he become Chapter Master, he walked the same path  with many Space Marine aspirants who have to survive many Life and Death situations while resisting the temptations of Chaos. In the end Marneus Calgar showed that only the personal quality of the individual matters to be worthy to join the ranks of Space Marine.

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