Friday, May 31, 2024

Warhammer 40k Joytoy 1/18 Leman Russ

 After relatively uneventful release for 40k series for almost 2 months, Joytoy finally dropped another wallet busting bomb on Warhammer 40k Fans as yet another Primarch is ready to join the fray! The 5th Joytoy Primarch is from the loyalist side and it is the turn for Emperor's Executioner, The Wolf King of Space Wolves; Leman Russ! Scheduled for September 2024 release, Leman Russ will be sold for 140 USD SRP.

In terms of value for money, Leman Russ is one of the better as it comes with pretty cool selection weapons of choice befitting the melee focused nature of Space Wolves. As I am not a big fans of Space Wolves, I only know that Leman Russ is a Golden hearted jerk who carries out personal bidding from his Emperor father to hunt down any specific target in swift manner with maximum prejudice. The version of Leman Russ is the one with more scruffy Facial features but the one that Joytoy did on Games Workshop instruction is his clean shaven one which could be easily mistaken with Death Knight Arthas with Frostmourne for those who are not familiar with 40k. Given the quality of the product, I might be getting Leman since I would like to see Joytoy succeed in making all action figures for the Primarch. At this rate, I might as well get all of the loyalist primarchs with Fulgrim and Kurze being the ones that I will get from Traitor side.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Sakura Taisen 2 - Thou shall not die

It has been more than 7 years since the last full-fledged article that I dedicate for Sakura Taisen series. Initially I have planned to make full coverage for Sakura Taisen 2 back in 2019 as I attempt to gather the necessary assets which was at 80% completion at the time. But due to my PSP broke down in the assets gathering process, this projects ultimately put into grinding halt as I lose my motivation while have to deal with real life situation at hand.

However, as I have recently completed compiling my journey with Final Gear, I feel that I have nothing much to hold me back any more. Thus I decided to do the right thing with the assets instead of letting it sitting in the dust and proudly present the Sakura Taisen 2 Main article! At some point this article will be gradually updated with the Teikoku Kagekidan Main Heroines storyline in the game just like the previous Sakura Taisen series. I think this is the very least I could do for Sakura Taisen 2 before I finally move with Sakura Taisen 4 and conclude my journey with this Legendary series that has lasted more than a decade.

Heroine Route:


Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Uma Musume Pretty Derby Claynel 1/7 Symboli Rudolf

 During my last year's trip to Japan, I encountered Uma Musume Ichiban Kuji which featured Symboli Rudolf and Mr CB Figure as the grand prize. Given that Kaichou is one of my favorite character from Uma Musume series even if I didn't play the game anymore, I did try my luck on the Kujis which obviously end up in a bust. So after almost a year since the Symboli Rudolf Ichiban Kuji, Figure maker called Claynel finally announced the release for their version of Symboli Rudolf 1/7 Figure in her racing outfit and similar pose with the Ichiban Kuji but obviously leagues above when it comes to quality. Scheduled for March 2025 release, 1/7 Symboli Rudolf will be sold for 24800 Yen.

In Uma Musume series, Symboli Rudolf is a once Triple Crown champion of the Tracen Academy who served as the Head of Student Council. She is quite close to Teio who looked up to her and follow her footstep. Symboli Rudolf is one of my favorite because her cool personality considering her Seiyuu is quite good for the archetype considering she lends her voice for Texas in Arknights. While this figure of Kaichou is out of my strike zone, personally I am still waiting for Symboli Rudolf's SHF which will be likely considering her popularity. But I won't even mind getting her Figma either.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Fate/Grand Order Aniplex 1/7 Proto Merlin Lady Avalon

 In the anticipation of 7th Summer event for FGO, Aniplex has something in store for Proto Merlin who called herself Lady Avalon which won't fool anybody. Out of the 3 FGO 7th SSR Summer servants, Proto Merlin is the one chosen by Aniplex to be given 1/7 Scale Premium figure treatment. Sculpted in her 2nd Ascension, 1/7 Aniplex Proto Merlin is scheduled for July 2025 release with 28500 Yen Price tag.

 Certainly a very expensive  PVC figure but it is still nothing much for the devoted FGO fans. Considering veteran seiyuu Ayako Kawasumi do play quite a good role as Onee-san Archetype like Proto Merlin who is just as mischiveous as her male counterpart. Personally I am quite interested to get a collectible for Proto Merlin myself  but will rather wait for her Figma due to her waifu level priority in my personal list. Proto Merlin is one of my Summer 7 SSR target along with Summer Skadi which I hopefully will get both of them and I am planning to allocate some war fund to make this objective achieved.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Fate/Grand Order Nendoroid Baobhan Sith

 FGO is back with yet another Nendoroid! Following after Melusine, now Tam Lin Tristan or Baobhan Sith is the next of Morgan's Fairy Knights that joins the Nendoroid lineup! Scheduled for November 2024 release, Nendoroid Baobhan Sith will be sold for 7200 Yen.

 As much as I am interested in getting a collectible for Baobhan Sith, the Nendoroid one is kind of a miss for me as she doesn't even have her Harp Bow or any tsundere faceplate befitting the archetype she play in FGO which is baffling for her price tag. At the moment, I am on my way going through LB6 Avalon Le Fae and halfway through, looking forward to the role that Baobhan play after the misfortune befall on Morgan considering she is directly related to the Final Boss of this Lost Belt. Considering this version of Baobhan is lackluster for me, I will just wait for her Figma or Nendoroid in Summer version. Hopefully Castoria or Tonelico could get their Nendoroid in the future.

Sunday, May 26, 2024


  Before I continue my journey to the rest of Quintet Trilogy after done with Soul Blazer, I paid my homage to the Trilogy spiritual predecessor known as Actraiser. When I was a kid, I did play some Java game on Ericsson phone with the same name and similar vibe, but the actual SNES game really meets more than the eye! In its original incarnation, Actraiser is a hybrid sidescrolling game that is way ahead of its time yet for some reason the Dev never interested to capitalize on it. Hopefully this article could help people to get into this SNES Gem or even the remaster which is known as Actraiser Renaissance.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Gundam Build Fighters Try Soul of Chogokin Gundam Tryon 3

 A random stunt by Bandai but a pleasant surprise nonetheless! Of all many Gundams from Build Fighters Try, One of the best mech from the series, Tryon 3 is getting a luxury Diecast treatment straight in the Soul of Chogokin Format befitting its status as Gundam homage for Super Robots. Scheduled for November 2024 release, SOC Tryon 3 will be sold for 36000 Yen.

Back when the series was airing, Gundam Build Fighters Try was a rushed trainwreck that didn't really live up to its predecessor despite the series actually got some really cool MS designs. It was due to some seriously bad writing that makes GBF Try losing the sense of being "grounded" which is still essential for a mecha series. Thus we end up having a Gundam series that takes itself too seriously where Powergamers reign supreme in which if the characters doesn't belong to that category, they are treated as sore losers like what end up with Tryon 3. To this day I still haven't forgive the crappy treatment that GBF Try did to Tryon 3 even if Bandai did try to make amend with SOC. This is especially true when you watch this series straight after Gundam Build Fighters. 

In any case I will look forward to SOC Tryon 3 joining my collection while still keep my spite on Gundam Build Fighters Try.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Soul Blazer

 After completing my pilgrimage for Lufia SNES title, I am sticking around on SNES platform to search any 16-bit RPG game that are worth visiting. As a result, my endeavor leads to Action RPG series called Quintet Trilogy which are series of Top Down action game with RPG element made by the Actraiser Dev consisting of Soul Blazer, Illusion of Gaia and Terranigma. Since I am doing the playthrough for this Trilogy in Chronological order, obviously Soul Blazer become my first destination.

For a game that is already over 30 Years old, Soul Blazer still able to hold its candle and surprisingly got plenty to offer which is why I am writing an article for this series.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

April May 2024 Loot

 By this time my monthly acquisition for Hobby product have been getting rather massive which probably will need to be kept in check. But nevertheless got myself some really good acquisitions over this period of two months which do align with my interest with Mecha. I think my previous hauls still got higher overall value but the April May Loot does not lose when it comes to quality.

Surprisingly the loot balance from the Japanese and Chinese manufacturer are somewhat well balanced this time and as always Mecha represent the majority. This haul is the first time Transformers joining my loot collection which I pick Optimus Prime, Megatron and Ultra Magnus to represent the first batch and it won't be the last of it because I will be planning to get Soundwave at least to join my Transformers collection. 

The best of the hauls are still from the Japanese side with the top 3 positions are filled by Megahouse Quattro Bajeena, AM Gunner and MRS Justice Gundam simply due to the product rarity. However Sluban Hurricane and Cangdao Tianwei do come close from behind. Lastly the hauls of this batch do appear to have more Model kits which I wonder when will I have the free time to assemble them.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Yoroiden Samurai Trooper Sentinel Oni Mashou Shuten Doji

 Another back-to-back post for Sentinel products, Never thought Sentinel are willing to go this far for Yoroiden but it is a welcome change nonetheless! For quite some time Sentinel had finished their run for Yoroiden Samurai protagonist but now decided to work on the Antagonists Samurai armor too. For the Demon General samurai armor, Sentinel picked Shuten, the enemy Samurai General that wield Chain and Sickle as his weapon. Scheduled for January 2025 release, Sentinel's Shuten Doji will be sold for 18000 Yen.

Among Yoroiden antagonists, Shuten is one of the few that got some well made character and possibly the best from the series as he got his redemption arc and even willing to sacrifice his life without any hesitation for the right cause. Apparently there were Chinese manufacturers that made some product for Shuten before but Sentinel's overall quality will be better to replicate the anime look. I do wish the Haori parts can be separated from the armor but I doubt Sentinel version are doing it and also surprised Shuten had Spear as part of his arsenal too. Given that Bandai had made some vintage toys for Yoroiden Demon General, lets see if they are going to make Armor Plus for them too.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Cross Ange Riobot Vilkiss

  Up until now Sentinel rarely ever got involved with any Sunrise related mecha series, but for some reason they pull of a combo breaker and take on one of the newer Sunrise mech series. The IP that Sentinel chose to pick up is no other than Cross Ange with the titular mecha Vilkiss! I suppose with the recent success of Gundam SEED movie do put some confidence for Sentinel to release product for one of Fukuda's works and Cross Ange being the safest choice as it was the latest Fukuda's non Gundam Work. Scheduled for December 2024 release, Riobot Vilkiss will be sold for 42900 Yen.

 From the first glance, Riobot Vilkiss will have overall improvement for all gimmicks that the Robot Spirits version had. Villkiss is quite a special mech because it is basically Fantasy version of Freedom Gundam from Gundam SEED and Rising Freedom Gundam do use some of Vilkiss Gimmicks to pay the homage. While I am not exactly a big fan of Cross Ange due to the Yuri fetish, I do admit Vilkiss is one of the cooler modern Fantasy Mecha which I did use extensively back in SRW V. While I am personally more of a fan of Arquebus Vanessa Custom which resembled Justice Gundam, Villkiss is certainly not something to be missed for Fantasy mecha fans who had the means to spend.

Monday, May 20, 2024

Lufia & The Fortress of Doom Clear

 Ever since my exposure from Lufia III: the Legend Returns intros that shown a glimpse of Lufia series storyline from early 2000s, I have promised myself that I will pay a visit to Lufia I&II at some point. Around last week. My pilgrimage toward my beloved JRPG series from 2 Decades ago has finally come to an end with the first Lufia Game, The Fortress of Doom concluded its run. 

 Motivated to fill the void left from finishing Lufia II, I soon gobble up Lufia I in rather fast pace even if this game ages even worse compared to Lufia II. As expected the insane random encounter rate of Lufia I & The Fortress of Doom really lives up to its reputation easily being the worst part of this game. However after bracing through one of the worst experience from JRPG that I played, I do actually find what I seek from the first game of Lufia series in the end.

At its core, Lufia I is a well made Boy meets Girl story encapsulated in JRPG format which could have elevated this particular series toward greater heights. Despite Lufia I overall does not stand up to the test of time, the romance between Maxim's Descendant and the titular Heroine, Lufia still shines brightly up until now and that's the only thing that matters as the fans of this series.  

To be honest I would say, Lufia I would be a great success if it ever gets HD2D treatment on top of proper total revamp of the RPG mechanics. While it will take more effort compared to other HD2D games, I would say Square Enix would get their ROI if they handled Lufia Remaster properly. Lastly just like Lufia II, Lufia I will get a full fledged article in near future. Think of it as the repayment of the pleasant Memories that I obtained from Lufia the Legend Returns.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

ACT MODE Mio Expansion Kit Type 15 Long Range Mode

 Goodsmile Mecha Musume Action Figure+Model Kit Hybrid, Act Mode has returned with Mio and this time with extra Dakka! After getting several Melee weapon system pack, The first of the ACT Mode character now gets yet another Long Range weapon configuration and it comes with 2 different flavor! The collectors got the choice to either pick Railgun or Missile Pack as Mio's Long range weapon of choice. Scheduled for October 2024 release, ACT Mode Long range Expansion kit for Mio will be sold for 20000 & 22000 Yen with the missile pack being the slightly more expensive one.

 Personally I do feel the Missile variant had better gimmick despite the Railgun is more imposing and cheaper. But for over 20k Yen Mecha Musume Product, the Navy Field Long Range equipment doesn't come with Mio Action Figure herself which can be a dealbreaker for some collector. As much as the cool design for Mecha Musume product, this one won't be competitive enough as you could have got some nice Diecast or Large Mecha for this price tag. Not to mention that the Chinese counterpart would likely release something equivalent for 1/3rd of this product price if given enough time. I am very well aware that Japan economy is not in great shape but China Toy Manufacturer will take advantage for every single opportunity presented by Japan. Personally I think the first version Navy Field Mio is still the best deal overall because it has really good value for 10000 Yen product and as Casual Mecha Musume collector, I don't really need the over the top weapon pack.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Lufia II: Rise of Sinistrals

  As a Lufia fans who started from the tail end of the main series, I have always been fascinated with Lufia II which have been the most highly regarded series from Lufia Titles. While it took me almost 2 Decades to get into Lufia II and being JRPG from 16-Bit era doesn't have make things easier either, I am surprised that Rise of Sinistrals still have plenty to give for a 30 years old Game and quite pleased with the overall experience. Lufia II definitely worth more exposure it deserves as any self-respecting diehard JRPG fans will be going to pay a visit to this series at some point.

Just as promised, I will be writing a full fledged article for Lufia II: Rise of Sinistrals because being the most important piece of Lufia series do deserve such treatment. Trust me this one will be a very lengthy article compared to your typical Realm of Darkness post. I haven't made this sort of long winded articles for a long time and considering that Lufia II is getting one, It just shows how I highly regard Lufia series even though The Legend Returns is still my personal favorite to this date. Compared to plenty of Lufia II reviews from other sources, this one will be a commentary from a diehard Lufia III fanboy who held the Gameboy Color Lufia in highest regard. Considering the spoiler nature of this article, it is recommended to read this one if you only have finished Lufia II.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Joytoy 1/25 God of War 86-II 03 High Mobility

 Joytoy might be still mostly preoccupied with 40k this year, but it doesn't mean they can't release some of their cool 1/25 Titanfall mechs from time to time! This time the God of War 86-II got another 2 additions of new units after couple months since the newer God of War 86 Mech made it. Titled as God of War 86-II 3&4 these new two Mechs come in Light and Heavy variant but this article will focus more on Light armament variant. Slated for August 2024 release, Joytoy 1/25 God of War 86 03&04 will be sold for 80 USD Price tag.

Personally I am not too interested with the heavy armament variant as the aesthetics of the variant are polarizing in bad way with heavy weapon which configuration will have serious accuracy issue due to recoil recoils and the fragile leg design that literally asking for Mobility kill. On the plus side, the heavy armament version do come with Badass green colored Jinroh soldier. As for the High Mobility variant, the armaments might not be flashy but the equipment do reflect the base Mecha frame purpose quite well making it suited for Flanking maneuvers. I am quite sure this won't be the last of God of War II products from Joytoy since this unit still could use more setups like Sniper or Support type.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Macross 7 VF-Hi Metal R VF-19 Kai

  Macross 7 fans gotta be pampered quite well early this year by Bandai. Other than the Tiny Session for Basara, the Iconic Red VF-19 gets the Diecast Hi-Metal treatment! While this is not exactly the first diecast product that VF-19 Kai had, the Hi-Metal R probably addressed the proportion issue that the first one have to become an even better product. Hi-Metal R VF-19 will be scheduled for August 2024 release with 14300 Yen Price tag.

 Back in college days, My first VF-19 Kai collectible was an Old 1/100 scale Bandai Kit that cost 1700 Yen yet features complete transformation gimmick by parts swapping. As I get older and do get my personal life sorted out somehow, I do desire a better representation for the Macross 7 Protagonist. While it doesn't look apparent, I do have soft spot for Macross 7 which is my second favorite Macross series after Macross Plus but when it comes to music scores, Fire Bomber is still my absolute favorite up until now. Therefore this version of VF-19 Kai would be a right candidate as my pick for VF-19 to join the collection. Given that Macross Plus YF-19 & YF-21 got Model Kit from Bandai, I won't be surprised that VF-19 Kai will follow up at some point. Quite sure VF-19 or VF-17 could join the Hi Metal R series as well at some point if Bandai is motivated enough.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Fate/Grand Order 1/7 Caster Artoria 3rd Ascension

  FGO series is still going strong at staying alive with their Merchandise department as we are getting another premium PVC figure for Castoria! This time it is Goodsmile Company themselves who make the figure for Castoria in her 3rd Ascension! Scheduled for May 2025, GSC 1/7 Castoria 3rd Ascension will be sold for 27800 Yen.

Previously Aniplex did release 1/7 Castoria in her 3rd Ascension as well with default pose while GSC take more dynamic pose with her. However the one that GSC made will be more prone to break off due to the amount of stress on the very thin connecting point for the base which excacerbated with the sheer weight of the Sword Staff that Castoria carry.. Personally I would prefer to wait for Castoria coming in Figma and Nendoroid format because you will never have enough Artorias for your Fate collection. Around the timing of this Castoria figure has been announced, I finally started LB6 Fae Avalon as well after almost 1 year of procrastination thus will look forward Castoria's journey to reach her final ascension. Lastly while this particular version of Castoria won't catch my attention, As much as I prefer getting 1/7 Scale figure for Morgan, I am still interested to obtain the bunny version of Summer Castoria if it ever gets the Scale figure.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Chogokin Rubik's Cube

 A totally random Diecast toy made by Bandai but still an interesting novelty! Out of all IPs, Bandai decided to make a Diecast robot out of the Rubik's Cube which I only know that it is not a public domain and the IP is owned by a british company just now. Chogokin Rubik's cube will be scheduled for October 2024 release with 9000 Yen price tag.

While this one can't be played like a regular Rubik's cube, Chogokin Rubik Cube certainly can turn itself into robot complete with their own gimmick. This sort of product is definitely not for mass market but will find a place for avid collectors who wish for unique collection. While not related by any means, Chogokin Rubik Cube certainly will pair well with Chogokin Gold Lightan considering both are blocky robots that transform from a Cube like object. Apart from the Chogokin Rubik's cube they are planning to release some Pokemon Chogokins as well as their side project. For those who care, better not miss this one when it is still up for preorder considering these kind of stuffs only have one time production.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Bang Bang Bravern The Gattai DX Bang Bravern

 During its short season run, Bang Bravern, The Obari Mecha series that was ruined by excessive dose of Bara fanservice did get some decent Merchandise during its run for what it matters. Apart from the Moderoid stuff, they do get some cool Robot Toy product for Bang Bravern under the Gattai Lineup which had been churning out the definitive stuff for Yuusha series. What catches my attention from this particular product for Bang Bravern under the name of The Gattai DX is the unusually cheap price for this sort of product. Scheduled for January 2025 release. The gattai DX Bang Bravern will be sold for 16800 Yen.

For this price tag, You got yourself 20 cm tall Bang Bravern toy with decent articulation. On top of that DX Bang Bravern comes with 3 Melee weapons ranging from the short sword, Axe Polearm and large Energy Sword that serves as Bang Bravern's equivalent of SRX Hi-Zol Sword. Personally I am not too amused with Bang Bravern's silly storyline which necessitates the condition for the sufficient budget to be aired. Seriously with such market condition there will be virtually no New Mecha series made from Japan that are likely capable of becoming long term success with Bang Bravern added into the batch of newest victims.

Regardless I still appreciate the Bang Bravern inherent mecha design for what its worth who is still worthy of being the young step sibling of Yuushas and Obari still kept the essence of the mecha very well. I will still be looking for the Bang Dragon which literally turns Bravern into God Gravion. Despite the Super Robot is the primary focus of Bang Bravern, I am very willing to wait for Non Model Kit merchandise for XM3 Rising Orthos and M2 Exceed Rhinos which are definitely some cool looking Real Robot.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Realm of Darkness - Final Gear Mechatalk Ultimate Archive

"Without Love it cannot be seen"

 The dust have settled and with Final Gear have officially closed its service for all of its servers. It is time for Realm of Darkness to move on as well and wrap up this series properly. To be honest I never expect this pet project of mine that began since July 2023 could last for more than 10 months! This is partially owed to Final Gear persistence in surviving in Maintenance mode despite the end will be still inevitable regardless.

As my token of Final Appreciation and send-off for the memories over 2.5 years from Final Gear, I proudly present the Final Gear Mechatalk Ultimate Archive! This is the Culmination of my Final Gear project in Realm of Darkness which started from the the moment when Final Gear announced its maintenance mode right until the Global server closure. You will find all of the link for Final Gear Mechatalks in this post whether it is Compendium or the individual unit discussion. Lastly the Individual Posts will be sorted by 6 Unit Classes chronologically. Personally I could have just not putting so much dedication toward Final Gear but over 20 years of my pursuit in Mecha Genre, I saw something special from this series and If the Dev couldn't care less up until the end, at very least there are some of the fans who will do, which I happen to be one of them and I am doing my part to keep the memory alive for this series.

Hopefully this Final Gear Ultimate Archive will serve some use for any fellow Final Gear Fans who stumble upon it in the future who desires a place to revisit for their memories with Final Gear. I also still hope that if Final Gear ever been given another chance for comeback, the Dev in charge better be putting their best effort to make the series thrive and reach the potential it rightfully deserve.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Mechatalk Final Gear: Compendium - UR Edition

Final Gear might have officially concluded its service with the Global Server has closed down and so does the Mechatalk series for this game. Overall over past 2.5 Years it is still a pleasant journey with this game despite Final Gear never reached the peak of its potential that rightfully theirs and I am actually grateful that the Global Server is willing to endure for another 10 Months after concluding its update which is rather unheard of for unprofitable Gacha Game. As a Last Encore for the Final Gear Mechatalk series, I present you the last of Final Gear Mechatalk Compendium! which is no other than the UR Edition!

In this article you will get to see the list of all available Final Gear units that have UR Upgrade in Global Server  including the link to the Mechatalk Article if there were any previously and it will be sorted according to the numerical order in game. Overall there are 30 Mecha Units that obtained the UR Upgrade in Final Gear during the lifetime of the Global Server. The CN server probably got one or two more UR Upgrades including Trida but the Devs decided to hang the towel before the update ever reached Global Server. Throughout the lifetime of Final Gear Global Server, I managed to upgrade 15 Units to their UR Version which account for half of the available option. It is truly one of my proud achievement because it is not exactly an easy task despite the weekly handouts after the game went into maintenance mode.

Out of the 30 Available UR Units in Final Gear, apart from the 15 UR Units that I actually obtained which will have [UR] tag  in the list, there are another 8 Units belong to this list that had the Mechatalk Article made for despite I was unable to obtain their UR Upgrade, yet I did briefly discuss their UR Skills briefly in their respective article. This mean only 7 Units that doesn't have dedicated mechatalk article which is pretty good result from this whole Final Gear Mechatalk run while it lasted I would say. If Final Gear had lasted abit longer, there are around 4 Units which I planned to bestow UR Upgrade to them which are Favia, Flavia, Jasmine and Margaret. In any case, Hopefully this culmination of small efforts from a dedicated Final Gear fan could help the series revival in some way.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Earnestcore Craft Robot Build RB-14 Denki Auto Nine


 Earnestcore output pace might not be as fast as other Chinese manufacturer but they sure churn out Quality products after another for their Designers Toys lineup, Robot Build! Back then, some of their previous entry of Robot Build did have mecha musume action figure coming as the part of package, but this time Earnestcore integrate their Mechas with the Mecha Musume even better with their newest entry RB-14 Denki Auto Nine! Scheduled for July 2024 release, Robot Build Auto Nine are open for Pre-order with 268 RMB Price Tag.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Hexagear 1/24 Early Governor Vol.2

 One of the Hexagear previous product that got a rerun recently and definitely a well deserved one! Compared to most Hexagear Soldier Model Kit, this one falls on slightly more expensive price range but still one of the better value. Dubbed as Early Governor, this particular Hexagear edition features modern military style Soldier model kit. As for Volume 2, this one will be scheduled for November 2024 release with 2800 Yen Price tag.

 Hexagear Early Governor series is probably part of Kotobukiya attempt to compete with Joytoy which really thrive in 1/24 Scale military product. While I don't think they are quite successful at this, this particular lineup do still have its own merit. What makes Early Governor Vol 2 stands out among its peers would be it is easily the best of this series. Basically you got yourself a Elite Soldier clad in Black armor for this one which can be customizable to resemble popular Pop Culture soldiers like Jinroh Wolf Brigade to Killzone Hellghast Soldier or even Hunk from Resident Evil. Also Early Governor Vol 2. comes with generous amount of Armaments which you can see below. At the end of the day, I think I do find the best Pilot Candidate for my Bulkarm Lambda Jackal. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Eulogy for Final Gear

 The day has arrived for the inevitable fated parting and at this moment Final Gear has officially closed its Global server and concluded pretty much all of its service! Overall I feel that Final Gear is one of those Gacha Game that once had really immense potential and could have made it into big franchise given its Mecha niche and the 2D Assets quality. However due to mismanagement and apathy from the Dev and combined with many other things, ultimately Final Gear had its opportunity ruined making it unable to seize the potential rightfully theirs. At very least, I am happy that I am committed enough to stick around with Final Gear until its last moment. Therefore In this opportunity, I would like to bid proper farewell and share some of my personal experience from my journey with Final Gear since October 2022.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Transformers: The Movie

 Ever since the inception of Realm of Darkness, I have been deliberately avoiding Transformers series all this time. Considering it is a Rabbit hole that I am not willing to plunge into given the overwhelming size of this IP which may compromise the focus on Japanese Mecha series that have been the staple of this Blog. Even so, While I am not exactly fan of the bayformers, I am still an enjoyer of the G1 editions as I did have exposure to G1 when I was a Kid and even had Diecast Optimus Prime toy at some point. However due to recent turn out of events, as much as I wanted to avoid this series, due to work related stuffs, I probably had to face this series once again and decided the G1 Movie would be good starting point.

Transformers G1 1986 Movie is what you expect from an Action movie and in terms of animation it is a solid one, given it was made in the Golden age of Mecha in Japan. Other than having mechas brawling each other, To me there is nothing much to obtain from this movie apart that this one serve as turning point where Rodimus taking the leadership mantle from Optimus Prime and you get to witness the Autobot fight against one of their largest adversary, Unicron. As I decided to enter the rabbit hole called Transformers by my own volition. In near future I will be inevitably getting some collectible from this series. Transformers: The Movie will only be my starting point for this massive series as my possible work requirement will demand me to delve into the series even further.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Rihio Animacha Vol.2

 It has been a year since we got any update from Rihio with their Blindbox Mecha Toys, but early this month they are ready to announce the 2nd Edition of their Animacha Products! Featuring 6 variants of Animal themed Mecha with 1 Secret character just like the 1st Volume, Rihio Animacha will be sold for 400 RMB per box of 6 Pcs with Q2 release scheduled date.

I am always a big sucker for Robot Toys that come with pilot gimmick and Animacha Vol 2 manage to scratch that itch just like the 1st volume. This time Vol 2 features Cat, Rabbit, Panda, Gorilla. Sheep and Turtle as its rosters with the Rabbit palette swap as the secret unit. Just like the 1st volume which features Tiger, Shiba Inu, Lizard, Pig, Penguin and Hamster, Rihio Animacha Roster are just as colorful even though this one leans more on herbivorous side this time. My personal favorite from this roster would be the Rabbit one as it looks compact and utilitarian unit that could make use of any equipment or blitzing through with its light armament setup. I just hope there will be sellers that are interested in bringing in this interesting Designer Toy which had unique designs as one of the main selling point evidenced by the effort required by Rihio to continue the lineup.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Mechatalk Final Gear: Aita - Swift

 Every good things have to come to an end at some point and so does for Final Gear Mechatalk too. As a Token of Appreciation and preparation before Final Gear officially close down, Realm of Darkness presents the 42nd and last of Final Gear series Mechatalk! As promised It will be another UR Pilot and it is no other than Aita with her Neo Zeong Mecha, Swift! Not particularly the most special characters in terms of Meta but I do have a reason to pick this Peppy Pink haired Waifu as the last of Final Gear Mechatalk as the Swansong to send off this once Promising Mecha Game series. Final Gear Mechatalk may end with Aita but I promise there will be a couple more articles down the road to wrap up Final Gear.

Friday, May 3, 2024

Xiwanshe Dragon Princess 01 - Yuwanglong/Huoying

 Year of Dragon 2024 do have plenty of opportunity for Hobby Manufacturers to make some Dragon related mecha model kit but for Mecha Musume, this one looks like going to take the cake! So there is a particular manufacturer called Xiwangshe/喜玩社 that released yet another eye-catching product! What's better than a regular mecha musume? The answer is a Dragon Riding Mecha Musume! Dubbed as the Dragon Princess, Xiwanshe is releasing a set of Red colored Mecha Musume complete with her Bipedal Dragon mount which will be sold for 159 RMB with Q3 2024 schedule release!

Not sure if Xiwanshe is over promising for a model kit product on such caliber with this price tag. While the design are not exactly the most original and Sculpt quality of the Mecha Musume still requires improvement, the Dragon mecha unit are worth the price tag already. The dragon unit is pretty much reusing the mold from Kotobukiya Zoids Berserk Fuhrer but the effort of this hobby manufacturer is still commendable if they can actually deliver a product with decent quality under that price tag. In any case their marketing stunt do catch my attention until their product release at very least.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Persona Qset+ Persona 3-5 Protagonists

 A surprise simultaneous release for Persona series but a pleasant one nonetheless. For once I never though Goodsmile Shanghai took initiative for a Japan IP but here we got the Persona mini figure under Qset+ lineup! Released under 2500 Yen Price Tag, the main protagonists from Persona 3 to 5 will be released simultaneously on October 2024.

 On the first glance I think this Qset Sculpt quality will be somewhere in between Qposket and Nendoroid. Quite sure there were plenty Prize Figures that has a set of a Figure in sitting pose that comes with pairing chair, but it is still quite uncommon for super deformed scale similar to Qposket to get such treatment even if there were couple of those Nendoroid Swacchao before though Qset appear to be different lineup. If the product is selling well, I am quite sure that Goodsmile Shanghai might consider release the supporting party members from each Persona series. But given the ongoing global economic situation and the target demographic spending power, I really doubt that it will likely happen. Might have considered getting the Qset Makoto Yuki though I am still banking on possible Nendoroid Doll release.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

MOSHOW x Hobby Mecha 1/100 Jingwei

 Moshow dropped another bomb of a Diecast Mecha yet again! Being a collab works with Hobby Mecha they are releasing what appears to be 21-cm tall Diecast Robot named after the fabled China's Monster Bird, Jingwei! The Sculpt Quality alone is quite breathtaking, but the price for such quality of Diecast Robot Toy is no Joke! Scheduled for Q3 release, Moshow x Hobby Mecha Jingwei are open for preorder with 498 RMB Price Tag which is very difficult to resist if you are a Hobby Collector.

 If Freedom, Destiny and Wing Gundam Zero combined together into a Fantasy themed mecha, Jingwei is probably what you get out of it and this one comes with Spear and Sword as its angelic armaments. Seriously for a Diecast Product of this caliber will easily cost 30-40k Yen from Bandai and I don't know what kind of Black Magic that Moshow pull off to be able to sell this Quality item for cheap. Considering that China market is a huge fan Freedom Gundam, Jingwei will definitely be a huge success and this one is easily successful for Overseas market too.