Wednesday, June 5, 2024

30 Minutes Fantasy - Liber Fighter

 The promising 30 Minutes Fantasy lineup returns with their 2nd Lineup yet again! As usual the lineup release 1 Main Class unit with 2 Class Upgrade kit and 1 Item shop option. In this release 30 MS features the Fighter Class available in Liber and Rozen variant just like the knight version. Scheduled for November 2024 release, 30 MF Liber Fighter will be sold for 2200 Yen.

Equipped with Axe and Shield as the default equipment, Liber Fighter pose as the brawnier counterpart to Liber Knight which are more balanced in terms of overall stats. As for the Class Upgrade option, Liber Fighter comes with Warrior or Viking Class Upgrade parts which are both equally make the unit look more ferocious coming with Polearm or Larger Axe as the upgrade option. Personally I will just wait for another class upgrade option for Liber Fighter that makes the unit more tanky without looking too feral. Given that Bandai has been releasing strength based character for all of their 30 MF entries, I would expect the next one will be a dexterity based class like Rogue or something.

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