Thursday, February 20, 2025

Robox Animation 1/100 Test-70 Bailu Air Combat Review

 Bringing up Review section once again after One month of Inactivity! This time I will be going for a Hattrick and review Chinese Model Kit after strings of related Posts. Robox Animation Bailu is not exactly my first acquisition for this category, but I decided to give this particular Model kit a priority boost because it is a good example for Chinese Model kit. Compared to Model kits that I gave a try 10 years ago, the quality of the Present Chinese model kits are not to be trifled with despite it still have its share of Hit or Miss. 

In terms of Aesthetics, Bailu had this kind balanced type Air Cavalry type that got overall parameter of Firepower, Durability and Mobility relatively balanced all over the board. Bailu's sleek design reminds me of Gundam Exia/Astraea line and Bailu could sort of passed as the Flight variant of those two should it be incorporated to Gundamverse. Just like many Chinese model kits, Bailu do come with 4 Jet-fighter type Drones which are stored at its back and waist armor which could have seen some cool dynamic action if the Kit had better Action base.

The very reason I pick Bailu as this time's review, because it is one of the great gateway I come across should anyone interested to get into Chinese model kit. For a 200 RMB price, this kit will offer Solid Value that can easily surpass its Japanese peer. If you are lucky, you can find this one around 40 USD which scores you 24 cm Mecha model kit with Diecast Frame that you can feel the weight. For a Single Bandai's 1/100 HIRM aka High Resolution Model price , you can get 3 of the Chinese Diecast frame counterpart which is definitely a irresistible temptations. While Chinese Model kits still have some flaws like Snapfit issue, given the current quality of their Products available in the market, it is just a matter of time before Chinese manufacturer's collective effort will close the gap. But seriously go give some time to take a look at these Chinese Model Kit lineups.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Jingzhuo She 1/100 Mandala

Another upcoming Chinese Model kit! This time is less spiky than its usual brethren but still got some gimmick worth a merit. Created by a manufacturer called Jingzhuo She, Mandala is yet another Gundam-esque Model kit. While it doesn't come with Diecast Frame, this one is relatively cheaper compared to its peers. Scheduled for March 2025 Release, Jingzhuo She 1/100 Mandala will be sold for 139 RMB.

On first glance, Mandala looks like a Real Robot type Gundam but personally I feel that the design resemble quite closely to Wildschwein from SRW OG mostly due to the Backpack proportion and curvy legs. Despite its plain looking real robot appearance, 1/100 Mandala do come with a neat gimmick to pull off some Itano Circus Missile Barrage and the manufacturer do provide the effect parts for the Preorder bonus. Personally the downside from Mandala is the color scheme that is difficult to make this guy look like Protagonist mecha though Wildschwein color scheme will look pretty good for this guy considering we never have any 1/100 representative for this fellow.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Mechatalk: B-Daman Bakugaiden III Bomber Fighter Armor Model Kit List

 With Takara Tomy re-releasing their Bakugaiden IV Mecha products starting with White Bros, I got myself motivated and dig further their past B-Daman Toy lineup once again. What captivated me the most from B-Daman lineup was the Bomber Mecha like Saint Blaster which made me a big sucker for Mecha Toys with Pilot Gimmick. But back then I did have a particular B-Daman Model Kit that had slightly different aesthetics with the former and features a B-Daman Mecha Design with Semi-transparent Head cockpit that comes with Mini B-Daman as Icing on top. 

 Upon further digging, my search lead to B-Daman Bakugaiden III which is the previous B-Daman Generations that came before Bakugaiden IV which Saint Blaster belongs to. Released around 1997-1998, those B-Daman Mechas with Semi Transparent Cockpit is called Bomber Fighter Armor. As expected, these are some Pretty good stuffs which lead to products that lead me being a fan of Cockpit gimmick for Mecha toys. While my search doesn't lead me to the exact Model that I had which was probably bootleg version of Type-90 Bomber Fighter, this particular endeavor lead me to quite a Vintage treasure trove! And I would to use an opportunity in my blog to make people have easier time to reconnect with their Childhood nostalgia involving B-Daman.

This article will serve as a repository list for Bomber Fighter Armor products that I come across. Due to the archive nature of this Article, it will be relegated to Mechatalk category. On average these Bomber Armor Model fetched around 500-1300 Yen Price tag back in 97-98 save for the extra large one which costed 4000 Yen. Nevertheless those very cheap B-Daman Mecha toys that still comes with good quality. Perhaps Takara could consider re-release some of the Bakugaiden III Products should the Toysrise Saint Blaster being well received. You can check this Japanese Website for the Cross reference used for this article.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Cang Toys War of the Gods 1/100 Fu Xi

 It is Year of the Snake and China hobby manufacturer strikes hard right after CNY holiday ended! Coming from Cang Toys, we got ourselves a Snake Chinese Gundam Mecha named after Male Progenitor Deity Fu Xi! And just like other previous Chinese model kits, this one will apparently come with Diecast frame! Cang Toys 1/100 Fu Xi will be scheduled for Q4 2025 release with 188 RMB Price tag.

 Seriously Chinese Manufacturer really try to outdone each other! Not long before we were getting a Mecha Model kit with 70 cm Mecha Dragon that tagged along, this time we got a 70 cm Mecha Snake that can turn into Fu Xi's lower torso. Cang Toys 1/100 Fu Xi is a dedicated Melee Mecha that definitely use Altron Gundam as its base and jacked it up to suit Chinese myth aesthetics. Obviously Fu Xi is just one half of the famed Chinese Deity pair and his Consort, Nu Wa will eventually follow up. In terms of Aesthetics, Nu Wa will heavily resemble Shiranui from Super Mecha Champions whether it is coincidence or not.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Sword of Convallaria - Dungeon Meshi Collab

 Dungeon Meshi being a Top Tier Fantasy Manga series are very generous for some reason when it comes to lending out its IP for Gacha Game collabs. We have gotten 2-3 Gacha Games last year that had Dungeon Meshi collaboration notably Arknights which Global Server should be having in March next month. Then out of nowhere another Chinese Gacha game called Sword of Convallaria got the Dungeon Meshi collab in which the CN server of the game will get it in 21st Februar 2025. For some reason Convallaria Dungeon Meshi collab does not feature Laios as playable apparently and will have Marcille and Farlin as the Target gacha along with Senshi tagging along.

For this collab announcement alone, I give Sword of Convallaria a try to see what its worth. From what I grasp over one day worth of playtime, Sword of Convallaria is a turn based Strategy Gacha game reminiscent of Tactics Ogre. But the streamlined gameplay mechanics feel like Mercenary Saga. Overall I find the decision for Dungeon Meshi to choose a collab with Convallaria to be a peculiar one since with its popularity, I believe it can choose more popular Gacha game to do collab with. Nevertheless I suppose Dungeon Meshi IP Holder had a reason of its own and put enough faith with Convallaria. Considering the collab announcement are just for CN server so far, I think the Global server will get the collab within few months considering Convallaria just had Half year anniv.

 To me if a Game like Convallaria could secure a collab with Dungeon Meshi, I don't see any reason why Wizardry Daphne unable to get one in the future considering Dungeon Meshi origins are deeply tied with Wizardry. Nevertheless I am hoping the best future for Dungeon Meshi, Convallaria and Wizardry Daphne.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Arknight Nendoroid Mlynar

  Looks like the first Arknights Nendoroid for 2025 is here! Unlike Mihoyo with their Genshin, Hypergryph do give their best for at least more consistent output with Arknights. After Silverash representing his Bloodline coming in Nendoroid format couple years ago, Mlynar the representative of Nearl clan now have arrived! Scheduled for June 2025 Release, Nendoroid Mlynar will be sold for 7400 Yen.

Mlynar despite being depicted as burnt out Former Kazimierz knight who gave up his pride and become corporate slave is a worthy Candidate to enter Nendoroid. He is one the best Burst Guard Operator who can give Silver Ash's True Silver Slash a run of his money with his S3 that unleash Wide Range True Damage AOE that will shred anything barring the toughest opponents. The accessories is bare minimum as usual just like previous Arknights Nendos but Mlynar do come with interesting Faceplate choice befitting his circumstances. Too bad I only strictly collect Waifus for Arknights Nendoroid, but I wouldn't min Mlynar's Figma if there are ever one and I will look forward for the rest of the Nearl Bloodlines to join the Nendoroid since Blemishine and Nearl have a good shot to get one with their 6* Operator status.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Wizardry Variant Daphne : Port Town Grand Legion 2nd Abyss 1st run Clear!

 One month to go before the Blade & Bastard collab hailing Wizardry Daphne and New Abyss Dungeon appear to be coming up soon as well. Over past two weeks, I have been grinding my way up to the Second Abyss which is Water based Dungeon filled with Aquatic Deathtraps and Sahagins Fish Demi Human. Overall with proper preparation I have overcome the tribulations that this Dungeon had to offer and managed to clear my first run even if it is not a perfect one which is very acceptable since you need another run for the True Ending anyway.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

B-Daman Bakugaiden Toyrise White Bros


 After 30 long years, we finally get a revival for B-Daman Bakugaiden mechas by Takara Tomy! The prototype for Saint Blaster have been revealed for quite some time but Takara feels that they are now ready to open the curtain for Bakugaiden Revival toys. At first I thought the Iconic Combiner Saint Blaster will be released in one go but Takara prefers to release it piecemeal starting with the White Bros! Released under Toyrise lineup, White Bros will be sold for 12000 Yen with September 2025 release schedule.

B-Daman Bakugaiden Saint Blaster always had a special place in my heart because I did have a full set of this fellow when I was a Kid and this is one of the first fews that kickstart my passion toward Mechas. For over 10k Yen Price tag, I wouldn't expect this guy will come with any Diecast parts considering Diaclone didn't have any for this price range but for a reunion that took 20 years, the price is the least concern. I expect Blue Braver and Yellow Crusher will be sold within similar price range which make the complete set for Saint Blaster fetch for 36k Yen. I hope Takara Tomy will be interested to make the Black Dragon as well. To wrap up this post I will leave the reference pics for the Saint Blaster which will consist of the current rendition of White Bros.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Konosuba Season 3

 It took 7 Years for Konosuba anime series to get a continuation of with a full 3rd Season with a filler Movie slipped in and after finished watching it, now I get why this once popular Fantasy Isekai series took such a long time to be continued. Back then Konosuba aired as one of the forefront to the Isekai era and soon it gained popularity due to the hilarious comedic tone that the series had with the shenanigans by Kazuma's party of misfit overpowered adventurers, But unfortunately lightning does not strike twice at the same place for this instance.

Konosuba 3rd season continues Kazuma's adventuring story with introducing Princess Iris and a major arc revolving around Darkness. The main plot is executed just fine but the process getting in between is rather painful to watch. In order to overcompensate with the barebone in-between storyline, I feel that Konosuba 3rd Season make the jokes become way over the top and we are seeing Kazuma sunk even lower more than before. Kazuma is designed to be a hikineet character that often gave in to his deprived tastes but he went abit too far for a few times on the third season. But Darkness Fans will definitely get some really good fanservice treat and I still believe she is the best fit out of the three original Main Heroines with her strong maternal quality if not for her masochist fetish. Despite Konosuba 3rd season felt Lackluster compared to the previous seasons, we can still likely expect another season for Konosuba for the sake of wrapping up the story properly as long as nothing drastic happened to Japanese economy.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Moshow Progenitor Effect Illustrious Class 1/100 Tryant [Fox Hound]

 Moshow is back again with their 1/100 Illustrious Class and this time it comes in a squad of Real Robots!  After making several Knight and Samurai themed Mecha, Moshow decided to flex their Real Robot skill and we got something in line with Gundam series Nero/Messer/Jesta dubbed Tyrant Fox Hound. Scheduled for Q2 2025, Illustrious Class Tyrant Fox Hound will be sold for 358 Separately or 999 RMB as a set.

Surprisingly for a Real Robot Squad design, 2 of the 3 Tyrant Fox Hound variants are melee focused coming in light and medium-heavy variant and one ranged focus. The Light Melee variant comes with a pair of Gauntlets and Heat Blades as its armament while the Heavy Melee is armed with Battle Axe, Mace and Pilebunker Shield and lastly the ranged variant comes with Rifle and Bazooka. Personally if i have to pick one, I obviously lean with the Ranged variant of the Tyrant Fox Hound, but It would have been nice if it had also come with the Pilebunker and Twin Heatblade. Personally I don't think we will see the last of these Real Robot Diecast by Moshow.