Friday, February 21, 2025

Warhammer 40k Tacticus: Blood Angels Lord Dante LRE announcement

It has been more than a year since my first Warhammer 40k Tacticus post and surprisingly I still survived in this Gacha Game which is quite particularly difficult. I have to say the Requisition rate aka the Gacha from Tacticus gotta be the worst one as your money spent could easily plunged into bottomless pit that nets you nothing valuable. But my attachment toward Warhammer 40k still prove to be stronger and decide to endure the nonsense to see if Tacticus could be a worthy representation for one of the ultimate Male Power Fantasy Sci-fi series on Mobile game platform. In any case, I am using this post to discuss the recent news announcement from Snowprint from Tacticus.

So. few days ago after releasing so much Tyranid factions over past few months, Snowprint finally dropped the bomb and announced one of the most popular Imperium faction character in 40k settings which is no other than the Chapter Master of Blood Angels, Luis Dante! Being one of the Oldest badass Space Marine in 40k settings, he is certainly highly anticipated as the addition for 5th member of Blood Angels faction in Tacticus. With Dante’s arrival in Tacticus we finally have all of Chapter Master from First Founding Space Marine chapter that once belonged to Imperium Secundus!

Just like any other SSR Characters in Tacticus, Dante will be unlocked through Legendary Release events which is a series of stages that are separated into 3 brackets of enemy Factions. The players will need to gain scores as high as possible to unlock the SSR heroes mostly by using Characters that fulfill certain criterias of stages in each Bracket. Dante’s LRE will be scheduled for March 23rd release next month with Necron, Black Legion and Astra Militarum serve as the main enemies.

In terms of Kit, Chapter Master Dante will likely serve as Offensive support role for Melee units who grant Offensive buffs for Units with Flying and Furious charge trait. This makes Angron & Ragnar Meta even more powerful and Players who invest on Melee Units that come with any of these traits such as Black Templars can benefit as well. As for Dante’s Active skill, he would make a great Unit to spearhead the charge as he Deals Heavy Melta Damage while gained protection from Overwatch through Infiltration trait bonus. I wouldn’t be surprised if PVP Arena will see more often Mataneo + Dante combo to break through Revas Overwatch cheese team.

Lastly, while it is unfortunate that not all players can enjoy Dante’s Legendary Release Event. Considering for this type of event, Players typically will need to grind for 1 year before having a respectable Roster minimum on Gold 1 rarity to be good enough to score point for the SSR Hero Unlocks. This LRE event is one of the main reasons why I stick around with Tacticus despite my gacha results are mostly garbage, because I do see the dividend of my effort on Tacticus through LRE. While Tacticus gacha rate can be even worse than Fate/Grand Order. Unlike the latter, Tacticus is quite generous in handing out New Heroes for free whether it is SSR or Low rarity. And I suppose my luck is decent enough to be able to unlock some SSRs despite my Gacha result are mostly absolute trash. As the indicator of my 1 year+ Progress I will share the SSR Characters list and Maxed out heroes that I managed to unlock so far. Helbrecht still gotta be the hardest one to unlock

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