Monday, March 10, 2025

Getter Robo Iron Romance Workshop SRL-02 Getter Jinki

 If Getter 1 Samurai Rendition was not cool enough, Iron Romance Studio is back with yet another Getter Robo Samurai! This time Black Getter is the one getting the rendition and the end results is even look cooler. Scheduled for Q2 2025 release, Iron Romance Getter Jinki will be sold for 9000 Yen.

Just like Getter Akaoni, Getter Jinki comes with the exact combiner gimmick to offset the smaller size that this version of Getter Robo had due to the the elaborate engineering from the manufacturer. The greatest dealbreaker that Jinki had is obviously the Tachi weapon rested on Jinki's armguard to complete the Samurai vibe because Handaxe are not japanese enough. Compared to Akaoni, Jinki definitely have stronger Loansword Samurai vibe just like the original Black Getter in the Armageddon OVA. Come to think of it, Iron Romance Getter Samurai series will look great if the manufacturer can make a complete set and definitely will keep a tab on that.

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Vintage Toys - JAM Battle Sky Hawk

Apart from Super Big Rescue, there was this particular Combiner mecha toys consisted of 3 Fighter Planes that I used to have when I was a Kid. Ultimately my long search of this particular 30 year old Memory lead me to a Toy Product made by JAM called Battle Sky Hawk. Apparently for a set of 3, this particular combiner mecha Toy only costed 1000 Yen back in Late 80s, which is a literal steal for Today's standard. Though I would expect the toy cost 5-6 times if it was released in the present JPY rate .

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Wizardry Variants Daphne: Grand Legion 2nd Abyss True Ending GET!

 About more than one month since I finished my 2nd Abyss Clear and now I managed to get the True Ending of 2nd Abyss! If it was not for the buggy Cursed Wheel of 2nd Abyss, Perhaps this endeavour would have been done in a week or two. Because the True Ending requirement for 2nd Abyss is actually quite simple and less convoluted compared to the First Abyss. In any case, the efforts to reach 2nd Abyss True Ending is still worth it and you get to save another Waifu in this Dark Fantasy.

This Article will feature general guideline to reach Grand Legion Abyss True Ending as well as the overall storyline for the second abyss.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Metal Build Dragon Scale Sirbine Review

  Ever since I came across Sirbine in Dunbine OVA, I instantly fell in love with this design being one of the peak Fantasy Mecha on the courtesy by Izubuchi Sensei. Thus when the Metal Build Dragon Scale for Sirbine was announced, I spare no effort for getting a copy for myself despite I was satisfied with the Robot Damashi version being P-Bandai item kinda hurt the wallet. Long Story short, it took some effort to find a seller who can help order this P-Bandai stuff and In the end I managed to obtain it last year. 

I suppose the time now is ripe for me to take out this Diecast fella for the Review and I proudly present the review for Metal Build Dragon Scale Sirbine! There won't be much writing for this article since the Photoshots in this review will do the job to reveal the value of this Diecast beauty.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Gagharv Mobile: Song of the Ocean Story Complete!

 Early this year on January, Gagharv Mobile has completed their adaptation for Gagharv Trilogy Song of the Ocean Chapter. As the Dev managed to put enormous effort complete Weltluna's storyline within 3 months, I picked up the slack and marathon Gagharv Mobile's take on Song of the Ocean over past few days. Translation issues from rushjob aside, as expected, revisiting this last part of Gagharv Trilogy once again proves to be a very fruitful journey and Fowgames certainly put their effort to give best respect they could afford for this Falcom's classic JRPG title.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Warhammer 40k Joytoy 1/18 Daemon Primarch Angron

 Blood for Blood God! Skull for Skull Thrones! MILK FOR KHORNE FLAKES! Wow after two weeks of inactivity by Joytoy for their Warhammer 40k Lineup, they throw a goddamn Haymaker straight after Primarch Alpharius and announce the release for Daemon Primarch Angron! Seriously Joytoy is trying to outcompete themselves by bringing the Big guns. While not as big as the Imperial Knight, Angron in his Daemon Primarch form is very big! easily surpassing other Joytoy 1/18 characters. Scheduled for July 2025 release, Joytoy Angron will be sold for 400 USD.

 Daemon Primarch Angron release is a big deal since Joytoy is bringing the Chaos Heavyweights for Warhammer 40k with Angron being the Champion Daemon Prince representing Khorne, Chaos God of War, Blood and Skulls that finally manifest as Action Figure! Angron's Joytoy release secure a large bridgehead for Chaos Faction one year after Horus made it in Joytoy lineup so we could expect more Chaos units released in greater number down the road. 

 Overall Joytoy Daemon Primarch Angron Sculpt looks great but the Face Sculpt could use better rework for a 400 USD action figure because It has not captured the Endless Rage and Fury that Angron possess. But honestly, Joytoy Angron already looks great especially when paired with Joytoy's Dark Angel Primarch, Lion El Johnson to reenact their Mortal Combat. If it is not for my policy of "No Chaos" units for my Joytoy collection, I would have considered of getting one to duel with my Primarch collections.

Monday, March 3, 2025

Hot General MJZ-02 1/100 Shadow War Zone Kratos

 Chinese Metal Build might not be the best when it comes to creativity, but the Productivity output is nothing to scoff at. Coming out from a manufacturer called Hot General, their second Metal Build entry is simply called Kratos. Taking a direction of OYW Gundam aesthetics, this one has its Aesthetics direction took drastically different direction compared to the first one which is Japanese Samurai themed called Nobunaga. Scheduled for Q2 2025 release, MJZ Kratos will be sold for 299 RMB.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Konosuba Nendoroid Doll Megumin

 With Konosuba 3rd season finished its airing couple months ago, manufacturers like Goodsmile Company is certain to make use the lingering momentum to release some more product and the series got a Nendoroid Doll for Megumin! With Konosuba series having quite well rounded roster for Nendoroid lineup already, Nendoroid Doll is a given and Megumin is definitely the prime candidate. Scheduled for October 2025 release, Nendoroid Doll Megumin will be sold for 12000 Yen.

From the Sample picture, the Nendoroid Doll Megumin nailed the Hat part quite well, but the Tunic is still quite a miss because it will be way too baggy for the Nendoroid Doll. Given the knitting quality I think the Tunic can easily slip down and have Nendoroid Doll Megumin ended up in Wardrobe disaster situation if it is posed with the Shoulder in default position. Despite the glaring flaw for Nendoroid Doll megumin, I think this particular lineup could work well with Eris or Wiz, though Darkness casual outfit could work too. As much as I want one for Aqua, I don't the end result for Nendoroid Doll will fare better compared to Megumin.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Mechatalk - Warhammer 40k Glory in Death: Space Marine Faction Unit Review

 Warhammer 40k Glory in Death is quite an underrated gem of 40k series which had its fate doomed to obscurity being the last game of Nokia N-gage. Therefore in order to raise some awareness for this game, I will be doing Unit review for Factions available in this game starting with Space Marine factions based on my Campaign experience, keep in mind the review will be subjective based on my experience with these units during the Space Marine Campaign. 

In Warhammer 40k Glory in Death you got 4 Sub-Factions for each Chaos, Eldar, Ork and Space Marine. For Space Marine you get Space Wolves starring the Campaign Story and Blood Angels, Dark Angels and Ultramarines for Skirmish and Multiplayer. While not exactly 100% accurate compared to the Tabletop version, these units are pretty good indicator of what their physical counterpart represent.

Overall in Glory in Death, Space Marine faction is well rounded faction that boast decent survivability and had advantage in ranged combat. While they can hold their ground in melee, they will be outclassed by the dedicated Melee units from other factions, therefore it is preferable to pepper your enemies in ranged Combat with their powerful bolters and deny Melee engagements by creating attritions damage from Ranged Support.

I used Mechatalk to feature this article since Warhammer 40k Glory in Death do qualify for one due to having significant amount of Mechanical units and it is easier for navigating purposes by future visitor of this blog.

Friday, February 28, 2025

February 2025 Loot

Last post for this month! Pound by pound, this gotta be the most massive Haul that ever come in a single month and the concentration of Mecha related stuff in this batch are no slack either! When It comes to value and bulk, this one gotta be the massive one so far. While Riobot SRX still remains the most expensive single item, I think Metal Build Billbine and SOC Tryon which is the main star of this haul can easily match up to be on par. My Chinese model kit collection got some addition on Heavyweights as well with Hemoxian Lone Shadow and Star Eternal boast a massive Box Size that can give Bandai's Gunpla a run for their money. Interestingly I also got myself a Sembo Brick Model for J-20 which is probably the cheapest among the batch but can still pull its weight. At this rate I think my backlog size is getting quite out of control already despite I already finished on some Chinese Model kit. Should have picked up the slack during the CNY Holiday period. Perhaps I should start workin on the Mecha Musume model kit that I got recently.