Thursday, February 29, 2024

Super Mecha Champions

 I think I have finally found the game that could have been the perfect substitute for Final Gear and can't believe that this one eluded my radar for so long! But given Netease's lousy track record in marketing their products, It is no surprise that Super Mecha Champions haven't become a mainstream success despite the inherent quality that this game possess. Seriously Mihoyo could just lend their marketing talent to promote this game instead of spamming ads for their games like no tomorrow that people are fed up seeing by this time. 

Monday, February 26, 2024

Tobot GD King Titan V

 Normally I don't cover Kids toys even if it is mecha unless they have some particular nostalgic value. But this one is an exception because this Mecha's existence is the main reason I spare no effort to look for Super Big Rescue, a vintage robot which is probably the base model of this thing. Apparently this mecha called Titan V is a combiner mecha that came from a Korean cartoon series called Tobot which aired in 2010s and apparently had their toys as one of the best selling in South Korea at some point. 

From what I can gathered, Titan V is a powerful combiner robo consisted of 3 Vehicle Mecha called Tachyon, Wild Jeep and Jet Thunder that possess different qualities and armed with Titan Sword as their main weapon in combiner for. Even if the aesthetics differs significantly from Super Big Rescue, you can easily tell that Titan V is heavily inspired from the 80s Vintage toys implying the mecha designer probably exposed to Super Big Rescue when he was a kid. From the Individual Unit Color and Combiner positioning alone, you can tell close resemblance as Tobot V is made from Blue Bulky mech as the leg, Red Car as the Arms and White Plane as the head.

Apparently there are 2 versions of Titan V Toys available for purchase which I encountered the smaller one. I am quite surprised that the regular version of Titan V do fetch for 100 USD above which just show that Tobot series popular enough to charge their product to that extent. Where as you can get some quite decent bang of your buck already with Bandai or Chinese toy manufacturer. I any case I am quite thankful for Titan V's help to reconnect me with my childhood and I hope Tobot series could bring more kids to become a future mecha fan.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Vintage Toys - Zeo Ranger Micro Morphin Playset

 Another Vintage Toys topic! given that it is quite a pleasant experience for me to make these sort of articles as it serves as the self reminder for the present me the reason I became a mecha fan in the first place. While I don't post Super Sentai/ Power Ranger stuffs in this Blog, as a kid who grew in 90s I obviously got exposed a fair amount with Power Ranger series and had plenty fond memories with these series with Zeo Ranger and Lightspeed Rescue being my personal favorite.

 When I was a Kid, there were Toys series called Micro Machines which feature miniature Playsets with vehicles and people minis at times and this lineup is one of the reason I personally think why Kids growing up in 90s had some of the best toy to play around. Then at some point, Galoob's Micro Machines together with Bandai create the offshoot lineup for Power Rangers called Micro Morphin and Zeo Ranger was part of this series. As for Zeo Ranger, the Micro Morphin had a playset made for Zeo Megazord and Red Battlezord which Individual Zords can be turned into a military base complete with Power Ranger Minis and other trinkets.

On Hindsight the Zeo Megazord proportion is not the best especially the head parts but I think it was the coolest thing ever when I had the Red and Yellow Zord which god knows where they are now. Seriously being an Adult with Toys collections that I barely play, I wouldn't mind to double Dip should Bandai released this type of product on top of Soul of Chogokin which I am still waiting to this day.

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Mechatalk Final Gear: Mirabelle Decory - NF-X

 32nd Final Gear Mechatalk is here! While we might not know if this game will survive yet another month, I will try keep the series going at least until I got Ariel's UR Upgrade. This time the Final Gear mechatalk article will feature Mirabelle Decory, the token tsundere Twintail Waifu who served as Sniper Class in this game. 

Friday, February 23, 2024

Gradius 1/144 T-301 Vic Viper Polystone figure

 Konami had plenty of famous video games series back then which have been left to dust nowadays. The Horizontal Shmup Gradius is one of them and it is getting a surprise release product by Plum! Plum is one of those Japanese Hobby manufacturer company who had released some model kits for niche Mecha series like Assault Suit Valken or Power Doll but this time they are releasing Vic Viper as a finished luxury product! Scheduled for 2024 and comes in 1/144 Scale size, this version of Vic Viper will be sold for 25000 Yen.

Apparently Plum used the Gradius V version of Vic Viper which was from PS2 games and probably the last of its series. My exposure toward Gradius series is mostly from the PSP Gradius collection which was a solid compilation game though I mostly use this futuristic Spaceship fighter in the Parodius series. Probably this version of Vic Viper is one of the few that comes with Option weapons though it is rather strange choice for Plum to pick Polystone as the designated material as Vic Viper would look very great in diecast rendition. This product will probably cater only to Diehard Gradius or Shmup fans due to its price tag but Plum did release a model kit for some other versions of Vic Viper. The Polystone 1/144 Vic Viper do make me reminisce about Atelier Sai's Vic Viper model kits which were very good value for its time, should have acquired more back then.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Yami's 4th Year with Arknights

 It has been 3 years since the last Arknights yearly updates, but I would say Arknights is the Gacha game that I held into really high regards the most. While other Gacha Games might had better Peak moments, when it comes to "consistency" Arknights is the undisputed winner of all Gacha Games that I have played over the span of 6-7 years. When I started playing Arknights, FGO was the Golden Child which I devoted my full dedication toward it at some point but given the latter's dev ineptitude, FGO had already taken pretty hard downfall by this time. When I started playing Genshin, I thought Genshin would be my Top Game but due to some Bad practice and Hubris from Mihoyo Dev team, Arknights is truly the Gacha Game that managed to reign supreme in the end.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

February 2024 Loot

 Relatively Modest loot this time but a hearty one nonetheless! The Chinese made Toy products really dominate the batch this time which was something unlikely to think of years ago. The only Japanese loot in this haul are Nendoroid Melusine and Garuda versaulter which are impressive but got overshadowed by the Chinese counterpart. The MVP of this haul are easily the 52Toys Hauls collection with their sheer Bulk. I got my copy of Beastbox Chinese Dragon limited but the 7cm Beasbox Hurrican and Air Force set. Seriously the Airforce set Box just way bigger compared to the Firefighter set which I will left the pics down below. Lastly got myself some Treasure X Robot out of curiosity and my copy for Lion El Johnson has arrived as well. Will be looking forward the rest of Dark Angels escort to accompany the Primarch.

Monday, February 19, 2024

Vintage Toys - Super Big Rescue Robot

 A little bit detour to the Blast from the past! An individual's interest and passion were mostly shaped and nurtured during their childhood and so applies for my passion toward Mecha which is still going strong to this day! In this opportunity I would like to introduce one my earliest robot toy which is called Super Big Rescue. In fact it is one that I acquired during my Kindergarten times but being a shitty brat I was, this robot eventually gone into gods know where.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Moose Toys Treasure X Robots Gold

 I never expected myself to get into the sort of toys that are catering for younger audiences anymore, but recent video shorts on my feeds successfully managed to convince me otherwise and revisit these products for Nostalgia once again! Being part of Moose Toys Treasure X series, Introducing Treasure X Robot Gold featuring Collectible Blindbox Robot Figure packaged into treasure digging activity kit! Separated into 3 different tiers, Treasure X Robot feature 1 Mega Box, 6 Medium Sized and 16 Mini Robots Variant as part of its collectible selling for $40, $16 and $5 respectively.

While other Treasure X series probably were more popular like the Treasure Island series for instance. Being a Mecha fan through and through, I naturally gravitate to the Treasure X Robot and happened to secure myself some of them on my recent haul. Personally I would love to see Moose Toys to continue the Robot lineup but I wouldn't mind getting into similar products as long as the Aesthetics able to scratch the itch. Concluding the article here are the available variants for the Treasure X Robots regular and Mini versions.


Friday, February 16, 2024

Mechatalk Final Gear: Akari Onikage - Shadowless

 31st Mechatalk is here! While this series could have concluded all and well with Zero's mechatalk, Considering Final Gear's still had the will to survive for a bit more, might as well have this series run for a little longer at least until I have my Ariel made it to her UR Upgrade. This time we have another special SR character and probably the only character who had direct bloodline ties with our Blackark captain protagonist, Akari Onikage! Our half-sister and a former Kegha Imperial Assassin.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Super Robot Heroes 1/100 Ext-GS/EA Estailev

 Some time ago there was this particular Original Mech design that caught my attention with its sheer protagonist mech aura. Back then I didn't paid too much attention to it since it was only released as Model Kit and given my lack of free time, my priority had shifted by then. It was only until the recent Titanomachia Moderoid that I decided to dig some information on this cool looking blue Protagonist which was known as Estailev. This particular mecha was getting a full fledged 1/100 Model Kit by Orange Cat Industry which is a Chinese Model Kit manufacturer back in December 2022. Standing 25cm tall this kit was obtainable for 238 RMB or 5000 Yen which is quite a steal for its value! Though apparently the Japan distribution is handled by Wave which was the one handled Earnestcore distribution for the region as well.

 I was quite sure Estailev had its first iteration as SD Model Kit which was sold for very affordable price and at some point even featured on Hobby Japan magazine. This Blue Protagonist mech heavily resemble SRW Exbein and won't even have issues to pass as one of their original mecha design. Estailev's significance does not lie in its mecha design itself even if it was a superb one but probably it represent the milestone that Chinese hobby industry achieved when it comes to releasing High-Value 1/100 Scale Mecha model kit product for affordable price as several many cool Chinese made mechs follow suit after this. As for Orange Cat Industry, I might write an article about another of this manufacturer's product in the future.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Tsukihime Aniplex 1/7 Arcueid Brunestud - Archetype Earth

 With Tsukihime Remake released couple years ago, I would have expected this legendary Nasuverse series will reach this milestone at some point. As much as I hate FGO end up as stagnant product due to machinations of greedy Boomer execs, seeing Arcueid in her Moon Princess Dress getup getting her drop-dead gorgeous physical manifestation is certainly a moment to behold! Released by Aniplex, this 1/7 Version of Arcueid will be scheduled for June 2025 release for 37000 Yen Price Tag.

 This particular version of the True Ancestor Princess PVC Figure is easily one of the more expensive 1/7 Scale Figure product ever released for Type Moon series! While there were premium PVC figures made for Arcueid before, this is easily the definitive one! Given the devotion of Type Moon Tsukihime Fans who are mostly semi-boomers at this point who likely have disposable Income, I would say this figure will selling like a hot cake as long as the end products are made properly. 

 Given my experience with Jalter Dress Figure, I would expect Arcueid's Hair parts will be rather heavy and slightly tricky to handle. However It will be still a super end products if this PVC figure able to stand like the sample depicted. Personally I am looking forward to the English version for the Tsukihime Switch port which is scheduled for Mid 2024 release which I will try my best trying to find affordable limited version. Lastly I am quite sure this won't be the end of Arcueid's Merchandise in her Moon Princess getup

Monday, February 12, 2024

Titanomachia MODEROID SIDE:GR Edelstein II (Zwei)

 Usually Moderoid series goes under my radar since I no longer have time for Model Kits. But gotta salute Moderoid mecha model kit lineup is still going strong and now there is another one that got my attention! Derived from original series Titanomachia by prolific modeller NAOKI. Moderoid released a very cool original mech called Edelstein II which is scheduled for September 2024 release with 7700 Yen Price Tag.

 Standing 17cm tall, Edelstein Zwei comes with pair of Dual Blades and modular customizable Rifle as the main armaments and the Moderoid also comes with Pilot gimmick. Apparently Edelstein actual size stands around 10 meter tall which makes it roughly equivalent to Frame Arms Arm Slave. Combining the best aspect from Frame Arms and Advance of Zeta Mecha, Edelstein Zwei really exudes a strong protagonist mecha Aura just like Estailev which I never got the opportunity to cover in this blog. I would really hope that there will be a Hobby Company that will take on Edelstein Mecha design and make a Diecast Toy out of it.

Apparently Titanomachia had been available in Kotobukiya model kit lineup before and Edelstein's sheer cool design alone will make me keep a tab on NAOKI as a mech designer as I will look forward for some more cool mech designs in the future. Perhaps at some point I will make an article for Estailev as well.

Friday, February 9, 2024

Mechatalk Final Gear: Zero - Looming Moon

  30th Final Gear Mechatalk is here and It is no better than Zero herself if this Realm of Darkness mini series is going to conclude at this point! I would say Final Gear Mechatalk had pretty good run spanning over past 6 months. I have no any single regrets over the time that I spent to write the series every weekend since I believe that I need to give something in return to Final Gear for the pleasant mecha gaming experience even if it is not perfect. Therefore if the Final Gear Mechatalk series concluded with Zero, so be it but I will definitely put some more effort if Final Gear able to survive abit longer. Anyways let's what this best melee Waifu in Final Gear had to offer in this mechatalk.

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Mechatalk Final Gear: Compendium - Striker Class

  Things have finally come to a full circle at last for Final Gear Compendium and personally I am very glad to finish this mini series that started on early this year as the finishing touch for Final Gear Mechatalk series. I am not sure if Final Gear will have much time left to survive given they kinda did a decent job for surviving so long in Maintenance mode letting players sample most of the content that Final Gear could offer even though the URs are closed off permanently. Without much further ado, Realm of Darkness present the last of Final Gear Compendium series for the Striker Class.

 Mecha Games will never be complete without glorious melee fight and Final Gear had plenty of selections of Melee Fighter classified into Striker Class which had the biggest roster among Final Gear 6 Classes. Whether you want your mecha come with blades or fist or maybe Samurai Themed, Final Gear Striker class got you covered! The only thing that Final Gear melee mechas lacks are Polearms which Defender class even have barely any but perhaps it could be addressed in the future iterations. 

Personally Striker Class is probably my second most neglected Class in my roster since I didn't get to access the best units in the category until the final patch and even then I still lack resources for them. But at very least I was still able to have Aya Kujou in her UR form to represent the best in this category from my roster. As a parting word for this Compendium series, I will make the masterlist for Final Gear Mechatalk someday and I hope there is still an opportunity for Final Gear in the future.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Persona 3 Reloaded ARTFX J 1/7 Protagonist Makoto Yuki

  Persona 3 Reloaded has just came out early this month and it is obvious that the merchandise will keep flowing in around this year! After the Velvet Room Attendant Elizabeth, now the main Protagonist himself Makoto Yuki joining in to the Kotobukiya ARTFX Lineup! Scheduled for July 2024 release, ARTFX J Makoto Yuki will be sold for 17500 Yen Price Tag.

For a Persona 3 PVC Figure, this version of Makoto Yuki is as basic as it gets as Kotobukiya chose rather basic pose for the silent protagonist that saved Atlus Life back in PS2 era. Compared to the old Alter version and Figuarts, ARTFX J Makoto Yuki certainly looks good but Kotobukiya could have added more swappable parts for this personal favorite Persona Protagonist of mine. Let's see if Kotobukiya going to release the rest of SEES team but nonethless this one will look good with Megahouse Thanatos which was released years ago.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Mechatalk Final Gear: Patricia - Void Echo

 29th Final Gear Mechatalk is here! Time still allows me to obtain yet another UR Unit and thus I will  seize the opportunity. Having Final Gear in maintenance mode for over 6 months, we could expect the game could end anytime soon and thus I am grateful that I could made a Final Gear article with another one! This time we will have Patricia the Vice Leader of Health & Happiness to be featured in Final Gear Mechatalk. While Patricia appears to be rather ordinary SR Character, she will offer one heck of a package once you get her UR Upgrade which are not exactly easy but doable if you kept claiming the welfare package every week.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Mechatalk Final Gear: Compendium - Bomber Class


 5th Final Gear Compendium and one more to go! Before having we will have the biggest Compendium as the last one because I prefer to save the best for the last, we will pay a visit on the Bomber class first! Overall Bomber class played a far ranged support unit that rains down projectiles in an arc that dealt AOE damage which are good at clearing out enemies in tight formation. Just like Demolisher class, Bombers are divided into 2 Subclass that served either as dedicated support or Pure DPS that rains down death with impunity.

 Considering its Heavy armor status, Bomber Class had some of the most bulky mecha design that can rival Defender Class and arguably have some odistinct mechas like Elizabeth's Floating Ship. Surprisingly the Bomber Class Unique mechs are dominated by Hexel Faction with Arita and Non Aligned faction coming slightly behind while Kegha ironically had none due to their emphasis on melee units. Unfortunately among 6 Classes, Bombers are the one that I neglected the most since I never had Morgan when Final Gear still getting updates and my Demolisher Class units can perform way better on anything that my Bomber Class roster could offer. It is only until Maintenance mode that I was able to raise some of them with Patricia being my current last UR which definitely worth it.