Warhammer 40k is no doubt one of the biggest Sci-Fi Series in the west because it is still one of the best Male Power Fantasy out there. There were plenty of gateways to get into 40k series and I found mine 18 Years ago. I used to be quite a devoute Nokia N-Gage Fanboy when I was in Highschool and through this Gaming Mobile Phone, I stumble upon this particular Warhammer 40k Game called W40K: Glory in Death. Just like Rifts and Pocket Kingdom, this game influenced me deeply in my gaming journey but I never actually managed to finish the game at the time. Now when I am in my 30s, I somehow find my way to get back into N-Gage through EKAL21 and go straight into this Hidden Gem of Warhammer 40k Game.
On Hindsight Warhammer 40k Glory in Death is a turn based Strategy game based on 40k 4E/5E Codex featuring 4 Factions from 40k series which consist of Space Marine, Chaos Space Marine, Ork and Eldar. Despite having the misfortune of Dead on Arrival with N-gage was on its last leg during the game's release, Glory in Death is probably one of the closest thing to a faithful translation of Warhammer 40k Tabletop game. As this game incorporate the wargame mechanics such as Line of Sight and Movement/Firing/Assault Phase. In my first playthrough I decide to complete Space Marines faction first which featured Space Wolves in the Campaign Storyline.
Overall the premise of Space Wolves storyline in Glory in Death doesnt stray too far from Dawn of War series where the Space Wolves fought other factions to compete the control for a Planet where they face Chaos Space Marine as the main adversary. In terms of Difficulty, Glory in Death's Space Marine Campaign is just in the right amount as long as Players know what they are doing. The last stage can get very brutal though as the Bloodthirster Boss is no joke and I even lost my HQ unit against that Greater Demon.
Given this game's relative lack of Recognition despite being a solid Warhammer 40k Game, I will dedicate some Posts for Warhammer 40k Glory in Death in this Blog as I continued my journey with this game. Expect some Mechatalk Articles down the road which I will use to review the Units for each factions from 40k Glory in Death separately.
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