Saturday, May 23, 2020

Rance IX Revolution of Helman: Kentou Kanami route

 For the 7 Main Heroine routes story in Rance IX, I picked Kentou Kanami as the first of the main heroines to have her story covered. Out of the 4 Main Heroine routes in Rance IX that i have read so far, Kanami's route is one of the more amusing one as it had Lover's quarrel that ultimately decide the fate of a nation as the main plot.

 Kentou Kanami, The Ninja Bodyguard of Leazas Queen is one of the oldest recurring Heroine from Rance series who have made appearance in majority of Rance Games and her relationship with Rance certainly has certainly come a long way since Rance 1. Initially serving as antagonist in Rance 1 then as ally from Rance 3 onward, Kanami is one of the heroines that hates Rance for most of the game as the brutal warrior always had his way with her body and her benefactor Queen Lia, doesn't makes things easier for her either. Overall Kanami is mediocre but competent Ninja who is very loyal to Lia but Rance's constant bullying really affects her confidence quite badly.

 In Rance IX we finally see Kanami genuinely falls for Rance throughout the game as Rance treated Kanami more gentle than before though he still bullies her from time to time. But at long last we get to see Kanami acts lovey-dovey because in Rance VI and Sengoku, she still quite hates Rance and in denial with her status as one of Rance's fated girls. One would wonder how many of  Kanami's Love flag that Rance scored during Rance Quest as it only take a small push from Rance in IX for Kanami to fully accept her feeling toward the Brutal Hero and embrace him like a lover.

 As one of Queen Lia's Loyal Subordinate, Kanami is quite aware of the risk for loving Rance. Because her benefactor, as the Ruler of one of the major nation of the Continent is madly in love with Rance herself and had attempted before to make him marry her and become King of Leazas. Obviously Lia doesn't take kindly for another girl competing for Rance's love especially her subordinate. But after spending a long time adventuring with Rance and being treated like a lover for once, Kanami can't help herself but to embrace her feeling for the Brutal Warrior. 

 As it turns out, Kanami's happiness doesn't appear to last long as during the final days of Helman Revolution, The Queen of Leazas caught the wind of Kanami's love affair with Rance. Feeling betrayed by two of closest person to her, Lia decided to launch invasion to Helman with whole Leazas Army in wrath. Finding out that Leazas Army marching to Helman Territory, Rance's allies showed their concern especially Kanami who is aware of the consequences of her affair with Rance, but Rance being his confident self as usual assures Kanami that everything will be fine and ask her stay by his side.

 In Rance IX each Main Heroine's route has somewhat different scenario for Lang Bau final siege, but most of the time Rance will face General of Helman 3rd Army, Minerva Margaret as the final boss after the latter proceed to commit team-killing and made herself self-declared Helman Emperor.

In Kanami's route, For Lang Bau final siege Rance employ the service of Dark Wings, Helman's secret service squads akin to JAPAN's Ninjas to infiltrate Lang Bau castle under disguise with stolen Helman Knight Armor.

The Dark Wings initially served as Rance Outlaws opponent early game as the group attempted to assassinate Crown Prince Patton who served as the leader of Helman Revolution army. But the group eventually joined the Revolution Army side after several failed assassination attempts which the last one involve the Dark Wings leader herself, Freya Idun which is foiled by Rance. After some good dickings, Rance managed to persuade Freya to join Outlaws instead and made her as Kanami's subordinate much to latter disdain as Kanami is aware of her skill gap with Freya.

As Rance's group reached throne room where Rance proceed to duel with Minerva, Kanami assisted Rance by preventing Minerva using Kalar Crystals but getting caught and held hostage in the process. As the battle outcome favors upon Minerva as she held Kanami as hostage, the tide soon changes as the Dark Wings sniper helped Kanami to break free and Rance proceed to make short work out of Minerva and thus Helman Revolution succeeds only to find Leazas Army closing on Lang Bau.

 As Queen Lia and Leazas Army reached Langbau, Helman Revolutionary Army prepared for the worst with Kanami started panicking. Once Lia reached Lang Bau Castle throne room, she disregards Sheila's request for Armistice and only concerned with Kanami and Rance. Upon Kanami made her appearance, declaring her as Traitor, Lia commands Kanami to kill herself which she refuse because of Rance and Lia remarks this is the first time Kanami directly disobey her request.

 When Rance show up to scold Lia, the Queen of Leazas in her frustration throw a tantrum calling Rance as a cheating bastard. Rance remarks that this is the worst fit that the Queen of Leazas ever thrown at him as Lia is usually heads over heels toward him. He then assures Lia that he loves her and Kanami equally stating that only handful women worth his love but Lia is still clearly upset. Then Rance proceeds to kiss Lia passionately twice which makes Lia regain her mood. And those Passionate kisses is what it takes to save a Nation from being conquered

 Shortly after Lia's mood got better and agree to pull back her Army back to Leazas, Rance request Lia to relinquish Kanami to him as his Personal Ninja. However Lia once again got upset but in the end agree to hand over Kanami on the condition that Rance marry Lia which Rance flat out refuse. After some smooth talking Lia concedes to hand over Kanami if Rance fought 2 on 2 duel against her champion in which should Rance loses out, he will marry Lia. In the end Rance and Kanami fights Rick and Tillday in a friendly duel which Rance easily wins. Holding out her end of bargain, Lia hands over Kanami resignation letter and thus Kanami's story in Helman's revolution is concluded. But before Lia returns to Helman, she happily announces her Pregnancy with Rance's child much to the surprise of her surroundings.

Lia Expressing the extent of her love toward Rance

  Lia Parapara Leazas being one of the recurring main heroine in Ranceverse. Despite her status, Lia only had her main appearance in Rance IX through Kanami Route. She has been one of the most loyal supporter of Rance throughout the series after the event in Rance I which she fall for him and even genuinely love the Brutal Warrior after he saved her Nation from Helman Invasion in Rance 3. Despite her lovely appearance in front of Rance, Lia is very ambitious and ruthless ruler who desired to conquer other human Nations in the Continent which is very possible as Leazas came out as the strongest nation in continent under her rule.

 But it was her love for Rance that Lia put aside her ambition , just like during the near fall of Zeth it was Rance's will that make Lia decide not to invade Helman during the civil war and send assistance instead even if she wants to settle scores from Helman Invasion that occured in Rance 3. However it was Kanami's love for Rance that makes Lia break her promise toward Rance as she saw it as a personal betrayal by her close subordinate. Thus she marched to Helman with her full Army something that caold have been pulled off by Rance in Sengoku Rance as well if he wanted to. It may seems a ridiculuous that a Ruler of a Nation had her whole army march to another nation due to personal issues but that just shows the extent of Lia's love toward Rance as she loathes the idea for another woman to get Rance's affection.

 Through Kanami's route you get to see Lia declared the extent of her love toward Rance which Lia openly declare that she will let Rance rule her nation and use whole Leazas Army if he desired to conquer the Continent and even throw away her status as Royalty if it is only her and Rance living together. For some reason Lia is not very popular Japanese fanbase but she is definitely an amusing character that makes her quite popular in the western fanbase.

 So the ending of Kanami's route, time has passed after Helman Revolution where Kanami had become Rance's exclusive Ninja. One day Rance received a letter by Lia that she had given birth to Rance's child which is likely Zance and invites him and Kanami to visit her in Leazas. Kanami remarks that Queen Lia is not Angry toward her anymore but still feel some kind of animosity. Then turns out Kanami also gave birth to Rance's child as well which she happily raise with love.

Kanami's romance with Rance has come a long way since the first game and we finally get to see it's proper conclusion in Rance IX at last. While it takes several games for her story to properly build up, Kanami is definitely one of the Heroine that got better story conclusion in Rance series something she deserve as one of the main heroine of the game. I think the next Rance IX Heroine's article will be somewhat shorter than this one considering Kanami's route actually is a split story for Kanami and Lia.


  1. The design of the knight armors are nice and has a lot of feel to the old school knight fantasy genre.

  2. Because Rance IX came from one of the most long-running Eroge series and it is one of the best JRPG series out there.

    Rance is a one of Top Tier Dark Fantasy series coming out from Japan and unlike Berserk, the series is properly concluded at very least.

  3. Where did you find an english script to rance ix? I've been looking all around and I can't find it.

    1. Just use Visual Novel Reader with ATLAS14 attached as the translation machine

    2. Do you have a link where I can find it?
