Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Riki Oh


 80s era was graced with Hokuto no Ken which is an ultraviolent battle manga which paves the way for many mangaka to follow suit and Riki Oh is one that sits on the extreme end of the ultra-violence. When I was a kid, I watched a HK Movie with the same name and the impressions that lingered were the over the top violence and extreme gorefest for the medium. Turns out the original source material does not stray far from it. 

The main protagonist in this series is basically Kenshiro Clone fighting in pre-apocalypse modern era who lives a live of a vagrant and kept getting entangled with outlaws from underworld. Riki-Oh is basically Saitama's Uncle whose gore filter turned off and his strikes capable of dismembering or blowing off his opponents with ease. To put it simply, Riki-Oh tried to make itself a name by surpassing Hokuto no Ken in the gorefest department which it succeeds at considering the manga last for 12 Volumes. To be honest apart from the over the top Gorefest, Riki-oh doesn't have much to offer with barely coherent manga, Bleak atmosphere to the point of tryhard and lastly unmemorable characters, considering none of the villain are charismatic enough for readers to cheer on. In any case the mangaka of this series later will make a name for himself with Tough fighting manga.

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