Friday, October 16, 2020

Megabox AMTS-12 Landbreaker Review

First step into the Megabox series!

 It has been more than a year since 52Toys transforming cube mecha Beastbox/Megabox series attracted collectors with its unique concept and design, but it was not until i saw the Landbreaker that this series catches my attention and placed a preorder for the product. For me a Mecha embodies an aspect of Man's Hope and Dream and Landbreaker passes with flying color with its sleek design of Combiner Construction Vehicle mecha. I have always been a fan mecha designs that possess great potentials and to put it simply the Potential that Landbreaker possess sparks my passion quite abit and motivate me to make quite a thorough Review article which has been a while.

  Being the first AMTS series, Landbreaker is probably designed by 52Toys to reach a new milestone beyond what Beastbox previously achieved. In order to make the breakthrough, Megabox AMTS incorporated several concepts into its design to create a solid collectible Robot Toy. The first product, Landbreaker perfectly balanced the Gimmicks, Articulation and Durability which are all key ingredients to make a good Robot Toy.

 While i am not too familiar with the backstory of Landbreaker it appears to be a combiner mecha from Construction Vehicle that specialize in close combat as all of the limbs are equipped with melee weapons whether to cut, crush or pierce. As such Landbreaker are given very good articulation capability by 52 Toys to pull off those Kungfu dynamic poses that can put even some Robot Damashii to shame.

 Another reason that i am attracted to Landbreaker is its potential synergy with Beastbox series which I think 52Toys could consider to capitalize in their future products. For now i only have Dio Ghostdog as Landbreaker's partner to play Pokemon though i still have Jojo variant and Torado coming soon.

 Landbreaker in the Signature lineup box Form! in terms of transformation The Lower half are very straightforward to transform whereas the Upper Torso are trickier. The storage boxes will prove its value once my beast box collection grows bigger.

 Landbreaker in the Vehicle form named Mole and Groundhog which i assume are the assigned name for Upper Torso and Lower Half respectively. 52Toys definitely put significant amount of effort to make a perfectly functioning Mecha Toys that have three different transformation forms. On a side note i could have considered to take more shots for the combined vehicle form.

 Some random comparison with KG-6 Sleipnir from Aldnoah Zero, i thought the latter's color scheme was similar to Landbreaker but turns out to be darker.

 Megabox Landbreaker is another good value for money Robot Toys which scored perfectly in both playability and design. This is one of the few Chinese Original Mecha Toy product that can proudly stand with its Japanese counterpart on equal standing and 52Toys deserve a praise to achieve this. I think it is a matter of time for China to catch up with Japan when it comes to quality Toy products and i definitely look forward to my copy for AMTS Deep One as well as the eventual Flyer variant.

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