Saturday, August 31, 2024

30 Minutes Fantasy - Rozen Archer

 As a part of their monthly Gunpla release, Bandai returns with some really good stuffs including 30 Minutes Fantasy. This time we got more than 2 main Class variants with usual Liber/Rozen type. A fantasy series won't be complete without an Archer guy that provide ranged support for the fighters and 30 Minutes Fantasy answer it with the Liber/Rozen Archer! In this instance, Scheduled for March 2025 release, 30 MF Liber/Rozen Archer will be sold for 2200 Yen, slightly more expensive than the Liber Priest but still cheaper than the Liber Bishop set.

 In this instance I will be covering the Rozen variant instead of the default Liber version for the 30 MF Archer Class. Because the Rozen variant simply look cooler for the archer class. Instead of visor helmet, the Rozen Archer class sport Monoeye type helmet which makes it look better aesthetically as dedicated ranged unit which also reminds me of Necron Deathmarks at the same time. In terms of loadouts just like previous 30 MF Class. Rozen Archer is pretty much identical with the liber counterpart with the exception of Armor configuration which I assume are still interchangeable. Considering the price tag, I really doubt Liber/Rozen Archer would get class up item but will still welcome for one regardless should Bandai consider making one.

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