Sunday, August 4, 2024

Monster Hunter SHM Enraged Furious Rajang

Tamashii Nation are back with something special for Monster Hunter yet again! After Tigrex, they are back with something from 2nd Gen and it is the popular Fanged Beast Monster, Rajang in his Super Saiyan Glory! Scheduled for January 2024, SHM Rajang will be sold for 15000 Yen.

 Given the messy economic situation of Japan, by this time I won't be surprised that the Monster Hunter creature with the size of Rajang cost as much as Tigrex and I expect the accessories will be bare minimum too. Even so at very least we will get this particular rendition of Rajang in his Enraged Super Saiyan glory and perhaps we will even be getting the King Crown size version. 

 Rajang has always been a special monster in MH series since MHF2 despite its small size because it is one of the most ferocious creature that will give any Wyverns and even Elder dragons a run for their money as it is capable and willing to deliver plenty of pains in any exchanges. In most G versions MH Game, once you reach the equivalent rank of G-rank you will also get to fight Furious Rajang who is in its Perma Rage state that comes with SSJ2! Just like many hunters, I got myself into an Eye opening experience with Rajang in the Final Invitation quest which was the last Village Quest in MHF2 which you get to fight Two Rajangs in an Arena. Obviously I got OHKO'd in my low rank gear against this Super Saiyan Monkey during my first encounter which will always be part of my MH memory.

Monster Hunter SHM might be going at snail pace at the moment given the state of Monster Hunter IP which is currently in stagnation process. But I am quite sure Deviljho will be following up to join soon due to its popularity and rival status with Rajang which hopefully will not exceed 25000 Yen.

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