Early this year on January, Gagharv Mobile has completed their adaptation for Gagharv Trilogy Song of the Ocean Chapter. As the Dev managed to put enormous effort complete Weltluna's storyline within 3 months, I picked up the slack and marathon Gagharv Mobile's take on Song of the Ocean over past few days. Translation issues from rushjob aside, as expected, revisiting this last part of Gagharv Trilogy once again proves to be a very fruitful journey and Fowgames certainly put their effort to give best respect they could afford for this Falcom's classic JRPG title.
Being the last title of Gagharv Trilogy production-wise, Song of the Ocean plays a very important part for the whole Trilogy because It drops tons of Worldbuilding bombs for Gagharv series especially pertaining on the massive Catastrophe that permanently split Gagharv into 3 Regions of El Phildin, Weltluna and Tirasweel. The massive revelations that Song of the Ocean unfolds will truly elevate the experience of players had with Tear of Vermilion and Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch more than just being a Generic JRPG.
While at first I thought Gagharv Mobile alteration at the turn of order by making Song of the Ocean serve as the middle story of the trilogy. Turns out Gagharv Mobile take on the trilogy in Chronological manner end up just fine and does not really diminish the good parts that Gagharv Trilogy have to offer. My favorite part is certainly getting to see Tear of Vermilion main protagonists in action once again and make use their extensive experience to help Song of Ocean main casts to save their world from the impending threat.
Given the great effort by Fowgames to create an adaptation for arguably the most important part of Gagharv Trilogy, I am considering to write some Gagharv Trilogy Lore using the assets I obtained from my Weltluna playthrough in Gagharv Mobile. Considering the amount of materials that I need to work on, probably I will split the Lore series into 2 parts at least so please look forward to it.
As somebody who played the PSP version of Gagharv Trilogy and fell in love with the series, Gagharv Mobile's effort to recreate the Trilogy is very praiseworthy and deserve to be reciprocated. Apart from patiently waiting for the Tiraswell Chapter to be finished, I will definitely purchase some more Skins in the future and still waiting for my Ys Collab so I can get Adol Christin. For now I have spent enough Gacha currency to get the newest UR, Sword Saint Castor and I can expect Douglas getting SSR version as well in the future to join his master.
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