Monday, May 20, 2024

Lufia & The Fortress of Doom Clear

 Ever since my exposure from Lufia III: the Legend Returns intros that shown a glimpse of Lufia series storyline from early 2000s, I have promised myself that I will pay a visit to Lufia I&II at some point. Around last week. My pilgrimage toward my beloved JRPG series from 2 Decades ago has finally come to an end with the first Lufia Game, The Fortress of Doom concluded its run. 

 Motivated to fill the void left from finishing Lufia II, I soon gobble up Lufia I in rather fast pace even if this game ages even worse compared to Lufia II. As expected the insane random encounter rate of Lufia I & The Fortress of Doom really lives up to its reputation easily being the worst part of this game. However after bracing through one of the worst experience from JRPG that I played, I do actually find what I seek from the first game of Lufia series in the end.

At its core, Lufia I is a well made Boy meets Girl story encapsulated in JRPG format which could have elevated this particular series toward greater heights. Despite Lufia I overall does not stand up to the test of time, the romance between Maxim's Descendant and the titular Heroine, Lufia still shines brightly up until now and that's the only thing that matters as the fans of this series.  

To be honest I would say, Lufia I would be a great success if it ever gets HD2D treatment on top of proper total revamp of the RPG mechanics. While it will take more effort compared to other HD2D games, I would say Square Enix would get their ROI if they handled Lufia Remaster properly. Lastly just like Lufia II, Lufia I will get a full fledged article in near future. Think of it as the repayment of the pleasant Memories that I obtained from Lufia the Legend Returns.

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