Friday, October 4, 2024

Kannazuki no Miko Mechatalk: Part 1 - Orochi Seven

 About two months has passed already since I finished Kannazuki no Miko. Abit late due to work life commitment,but as promised here comes the mechatalk for this controversial Mecha series of early 2000s! A Yuri series it might be, but the effort and passion of Kannazuki no Miko's anime production team for the mecha still worth a merit and I feel obligated to reciprocate in return. 

 Split into 3 Parts, The first of the Kannazuki no Miko mechatalk articler will start with covering  the supporting characters from antagonist side which represented each heads of Yamata no Orochi and known as Orochi Seven. This Mechatalk series will focus to serve as the Visual guide to help any mecha fans who consider watching Kannazuki no Miko worth their time or not.

 In Kannazuki, Orochi is the main adversary that represent the unending evil force that is hell bent on turning the world into the darkness. After its evil ambitions are  constantly thwarted by the fated Solar and Lunar Mikos, Orochi split its true form into 8 parts mirroring after its original mythology as the 8 Headed serpents. Then while in the process of recovering itself to resume its evil ambition, Orochi will tempt Individuals with overwhelming negative emotions to serve as its Disciples and pilot one of its 8 separated fragments which take the form of highly destructive mechas, Together these Individuals serving the Evil ambition of Orochi are known as the 8 Heads of Orochi

Due to the anomaly in the endless struggle of Orochi against the Mikos, in the cycle which Kannazuki took Place, there were only 6 Disciples of Orochi and one fragment of Orochi that have no Disciple wielding it, thus this is the reason that this first part of Kannazuki no Miko mechatalk title is called Orochi Seven. This Article will cover all 7 fragments of Orochi starting from the 6th Head all the way to the 1st Head.

6th Head - Nekoko & Izuhara no Tamazuchi

 The Disciple of Orochi that served as the 6th Head is a Cat Girl Nurse named Nekoko. A rather cheerful individual but will not hesitate to create mass destruction for Orochi. It appears that Nekoko current hybrid human form is due to her being a very unethical experiment subjected to her. It is implied that Nekoko probably use the power of Orochi to destroy the facilities where she was experimented on along with the mad scientists. Just like her getup, Nekoko actually has capability of healing her fellow members of Orochi Seven, albeit in rather painful way with her oversized Syringe.

Nekoko's Orochi mecha is called Izuhara no Tamazuchi which looks like an oversized spherical aircraft resembling 08th MS Team Apsallus in some way. While Nekoko's Orochi unit has a mecha mode which had a head that resembled King J-Der. Nekoko used Tamazuchi in Aircraft mode most of the time providing Fire support with its Multitudes of Particle cannons all over the unit.

5th Head - Reiko Ota & Ho no Shuraizuchi

 Among the Orochi Seven members, Reiko had to be the least motivated one in enacting Orochi's agenda. A cynical and a person of very few words, Reiko was a somewhat successful Mangaka before she joined Orochi Seven. Apparently her reason of joining the darkside is her frustration stemming from stressful life as Mangaka. Regardless if provoked enough, Reiko will not hesitate to unleash her pent up frustrations and sow widespread destruction.

Reiko's Orochi unit, Ho no Shuraizuchi is another of long ranged Mecha unit that looks like some evil cult totem head which is apparently based on Jomon pottery. Reiko used her mecha to unleash widespread destruction with mastery of Fire and Ice elemental. While it has a humanoid form, Reiko's Orochi unit is really bad in melee as Take no Yamikazuchi easily manhandle it.

4th Head - Corona & Ooube no Senazuchi


Most likely a Pseudonym, Corona is a Teenage Idol who is very self conscious with her popularity as she never make it really big in Idol industry despite her effort. She decided to join the evil business with Orochi Seven most likely due to being a victim of Idol Industry's dark side which defile many purity of teenage girls as part of their staple and desires to exact a revenge. With her idol status, Corona is actually attractive enough to use her allure to put the main protagonist into problematic situation, but in the end never make good use of it.

Corona's Orochi unit is called Ooube no Senazuchi is probably the only Mecha from Orochi Seven that possess 3 transformation forms. Specializing in harassment by weakening the enemy with its agility and Acid projectiles before going for the kill, Ooube no Senazuchi forms which consisted of, Wheel Demons, Centipede Snake and Mecha with serpentine lower body. However given Corona's lack of interest in combat, she doesn't really make good use of her Orochi unit and thus failed on defeating Take no Yamikazuchi despite Tagging up with Reiko and Nekoko in 3v1 Battle.

Lastly I am very surprised that the seiyuu for Corona is actually the veteran seiyuu Kana Ueda. This means that in a surprising turn of event Kannazuki no Miko got complete set of Fate Main Heroines since C 

3rd Head - Girochi & Hi no Ashinazuchi

 One of the Orochi Seven member who is actually motivated in spreading Destruction under Orochi's cause, Girochi is a brawnhead oldschool punk who joined Orochi Seven due to tragic past which killed all of his family members and left him as sole survivor. While one of most eager Orochi member for destruction to the extent of overusing Orochi's power which rob its wielder humanity and eventually turn them into monster, Girochi is not rather bright when it comes to his intellect. Thus he ends up as secondary threat for Ogami Soma who is quite motivated, especially when Girochi lust after his girlfriend. Himeko the Solar Miko.

Girochi's Orochi Fragment unit, Hi no Ashinazuchi which Girochi nicknamed Gungal is Heavy mecha with high potential of brute force with its Oversized right arm. Just like its wielder's personality, Ashinazuchi boasts high raw firepower and capable of turning itself into an oversized arm and propel itself toward its opponent in a Rocket Punch fashion to pulverize them into dust.

2nd Head - Sister Miyako & Yatsu no Onokoshizuchi

 The second in command of Orochi Seven, Sister Miyako is the only foreigner member of her group. A sadistic individual and one of the more competent member of her group, Sister Miyako is very motivated in Orochi's cause due to her trauma as war survivor and highly respects the First Head of Orochi, Tsubasa. Given Tsubasa prefers to stay inactive, Sister Miyako is the one that plans out many schemes to defeat Solar and Lunar Miko and actually the first of the Orochi Seven that face the protagonist. 

 Sister Miyako Orochi unit, Yatsu no Onokoshizuchi is another mecha that specialize in harassment  with its tentacle like appendages which is capable of unleashing electricities. While Sister Miyako is not particularly good combatant with her Orochi unit. She happens to be rather skilled in Subterfuge and easily manipulate her victims with Mind attacks. Unfortunately her target of Mind manipulation happened to be the Lunar Miko thus her endeavor end up in failure.

Yokusemi no Mizuchi

 Before we move to the last and the leader of Orochi member, first we will visit the only unmanned Orochi's Fragment unit, Yokusemi no Mizuchi. Taking the form of Giant Bird, Yokusemi served as support unit most of the time which help the Orochi Seven members to bail out after defeated by Take no Yamikazuchi. Only when Kannazuki nearing its end, Yokusemi's mecha form is revealed which is a humanoid Mecha with Drill like lower body which is used as the main weapon. However given Chikane's mastery of Take no Yamikazuchi evil side, Yokusemi's resistance prove to be a futile one.

1st Head - Tsubasa & Take no Yasukunazuchi

 After going through all of the 6 Fragments of Orochi, we finally arrive at the last fragment which is wielded by the First Head and de facto leader of Orochi Seven, Tsubasa. As expected from the first champion of Orochi, Tsubasa completely given up his humanity to serve Orochi and his evil deeds. Particularly skilled in Swordsmanship for some reason, Tsubasa easily overpower Ogami Soma and gave the latter a beating of his lifetime during their first encounter but spared the latter for some reason. In a strange twist of fate, Tsubasa turns out to be Soma's elder brother who went separate way 10 years before Kannazuki no Miko after murdering their foster Father to protect Soma from the abusive treatment. Despite given up himself to serve Orochi's cause, Tsubasa is still very protective toward Soma and even lent some assistance for his little brother after his death.

Tsubasa's Orochi Unit, Take no Yasukunazuchi is the Twin unit of Take no Yamikazuchi and just like its wielder, uses the sword as its main weapon of choice. Given Tsubasa's mastery over Orochi's Power, Yasukunazuchi have unlocked several powers including the one that grants it true flight and given Tsubasa's capability, he appear to be capable of controling Yasukunazuchi true form that is even more malicious given its evil Visage. In terms of look, Yasukunazuchi bears heavy resemblance with Black Gaine just like Yamikazuchi with Mightgaine as it is implied that Obari had quite an involvement with Kannazuki no Miko.

While Tsubasa decided to give up the fight against Chikane after going for killing spree on Orochi Seven members with Take no Yamikazuchi's true form by plunging himself to death toward Orochi's abyss. As it appears that Tsubasa figured out the ultimate outcome of the Orochi final Showdown with the Solar and Lunar Mikos. It is implied that Tsubasa realize that his brother, Soma might have a better chance to survive from his fate of succumbing to Orochi's curse by sparing Chikane. Otherwise Tsubasa could heavily injure or even take down Chikane even if it costs his life.

 On hindsight, Orochi Seven had rather interesting concept as a Group of Human who wielded tremendous power through the Fragments of Evil God by giving up their humanity to become the servants of the said Great Malevolent Entity. This is the reason why I bother to incorporate these supporting characters of Kannazuki no Miko in the first place despite failing to live up to its potential.

 Just like many reasons of other Japanese anime wasted potentials, the main problem of Orochi Seven's depiction lies in the "Execution". What should have been the epitome depiction of "Chaotic Evil" ends up to be "Chaotic Stupid". Because the background story of these Orochi Seven characters are not coherent and properly written to be a convincing Agents of Evil group who have totally gave up on Humanity. To put it simply their exposure to the Ugliness and Darkness of Human are not good enough and simply looks like a joke compared to the Grimdarkness of series like Berserk. In any case while the execution is a big failure, the essence of the archetype that Orochi Seven are still worth the merit and in the hand of skilled writer it will turn out to be a good one aside of the limitations of the original source material.

With the Supporting character completed, for the next Kannazuki no Miko mechatalk. The main star of this Mechatalk series, Orochi's Seventh Head; Ogami Soma with his Take no Yamikazuchi will get their turn and be given the utmost focus. While I can't promise the mechatalk article could make it within this month, I will promise to give my best effort for it. Because the primary reason for me to start making Kannazuki no Miko mechatalk in the first place lies with this duo after all.

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