Thursday, March 13, 2025

Sluban Super Mecha Champions Qbrick - Trio of Enders Review

 The 2nd set out of 5 Sluban SMC Qbricks review is here. While I planned to have a chronological release for this Lineup review, I decided to alter the sequence a bit for this series review to conclude in higher note. 

 Back then, I was quite obssessed with finding the Brick Model for Hotsteel which is the only I missed out of Sluban SMC Brick Model lineup. But in in a way this is actually a blessing in disguise considering Sluban's brick models are not exactly ideal for playability thus I resort to getting the Qbricks instead. For under 5 USD, you can get yourself a 300 Pcs+ brick model representation of Mechas from Mecha Pubg game that is left to its demise by Netease. 

Just like the Full Size Brick Model, Playability is not the best suit of SMC Qbricks and Hotsteel is one of the many variants of the SMC Qbricks that come with Oversized head which is a glaring flaw in my opinion. But for it's value for money, Sluban still do respectable job to justify the worth of this product.

While I am not really into Hotsteel back in SMC, I do quite like its design as Imposing Juggernaut mecha to the extent of purchasing the UR Skin. To me Hotsteel had too much odds stacked against it in PVP due to its type of weapon that designate its role. This Orange Juggernaut is not meant to fight enemies similar to its size especially the ones with better mobility. Instead it is meant to to punch through anything above its weight class just like Armored Core with Rocket weapons.


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