Another Heavy Duty accumulation of Loots over past three months with Mecha and FGO being the usual business. This time's loot is rather expensive due to Sentinel items being part of the haul with Riobot Legioss and Johanna easily account for half of this loot's overall value. For the Mecha series there are new series that join part of my collection as i invest on Beastbox and Joytoy which are some recent Chinese made Mecha Toys that seems to have Potential. As for FGO series, i got myself some Figmas and non-Banpresto Prize Figures for a change. While i usually restrict myself in getting Figmas only for the Servants that have visited my Chaldea, i am willing to get Proto Saber in advance so the Bishie King is willing to grace a visit next year just like Gilgamesh already did in recent Gilfest. As usual Prize Figure will likely get the earliest opportunity for Reviews but i will try to prioritize the Beastbox this time.
Just two bishie king servants chilling around
My first batch of Beast Box series, looking forward to expand my collection for this lineup!
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