Thursday, May 16, 2024

Macross 7 VF-Hi Metal R VF-19 Kai

  Macross 7 fans gotta be pampered quite well early this year by Bandai. Other than the Tiny Session for Basara, the Iconic Red VF-19 gets the Diecast Hi-Metal treatment! While this is not exactly the first diecast product that VF-19 Kai had, the Hi-Metal R probably addressed the proportion issue that the first one have to become an even better product. Hi-Metal R VF-19 will be scheduled for August 2024 release with 14300 Yen Price tag.

 Back in college days, My first VF-19 Kai collectible was an Old 1/100 scale Bandai Kit that cost 1700 Yen yet features complete transformation gimmick by parts swapping. As I get older and do get my personal life sorted out somehow, I do desire a better representation for the Macross 7 Protagonist. While it doesn't look apparent, I do have soft spot for Macross 7 which is my second favorite Macross series after Macross Plus but when it comes to music scores, Fire Bomber is still my absolute favorite up until now. Therefore this version of VF-19 Kai would be a right candidate as my pick for VF-19 to join the collection. Given that Macross Plus YF-19 & YF-21 got Model Kit from Bandai, I won't be surprised that VF-19 Kai will follow up at some point. Quite sure VF-19 or VF-17 could join the Hi Metal R series as well at some point if Bandai is motivated enough.

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