Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Warhammer 40k Joytoy 1/18 Imperial Knights House Terryn Quaestoris Paladin

  Joytoy really gets the ball for Warhammer 40k rolling in 2023 and deliver even more this year! If they felt their Knockout punches are not enough with this year's Primarchs Action figure release, before 2024 Ended Joytoy packed another wallop that truly exceed expectations! If you think Dreadknights are very big, here comes even bigger player which is Imperial Knights from the House of Terryn! Standing over 50 cm tall this one will be sold for 700 USD Price tag with June release schedule.

I am not particular well-versed in 40k Titans fluff, but apparently Imperial Knights or Quaestor Imperialis are not exactly considered as Titans despite their size already count as Monstrous Creatures. These massive warchines are probably the exact counterpart of real life Medieval Knights and their mighty steeds as the Pilots of these Imperial Knights had their particular Chivalric code and seek glory in the battlefield. The particular model of the Imperial Knights that we got is from House Terryn which roughly similar to Ultramarines in terms of code of conduct.

Seriously for a 40k Collector product, this is one of the best you can get so far if you have disposable income. For its massive size, it looks really great unlike the Nemesis Dreadknight which can be offputting for some people. The prototype of this product had been revealed quite some time ago but I think Joytoy had addressed the Joint issues that this massive behemoth of 40k Collectible. If I had been an Imperial Knight fans, I would have gotten this one in heartbeat since it comes with Cockpit gimmick. But given my current circumstances which kinda lack storage space, I will reserve my budget for something more tame like Militarum assorted Support vehicle. Wouldn't be surprised if something like Baneblade got released someday. To wrap up this article, I will leave the size reference of this unit which comes with the Princeps pilot

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