Excalibur, Ho!
So this week i am reviewing another classic arcade game, and this time it is one of the Beat em up capcom's title which is Knights of the round. Capcom release plenty of beat em up titles on early 90s and most if not all of them are quality stuffs. Knights of the round loosely based on Arthurian legends complete with the Excalibur. What sets apart this game apart from other Beat'em Ups in its time was the level up feature which upgrades the characters cosmetically when reached certain threshold.
The Knights of the Round
In Knights of the Round King Arthur is accompanied by 2 of his future Knights, Lancelot and Perceval undergoing the quest of fighting Britain's evil guys and getting the Holy Grail at the same time.
First of the 3 playable character is the King Arthur himself with his famed Excalibur. He served as all-rounder character with balanced status, His standard combo and heavy attack is really useful but otherwise he is not that good. I like the earlier forms of King Arthur but later his design is pretty bad as his design follows "bigger is better " principle which just doesn't work for him mainly because his sword gets uglier in his last levels
King Arthur's form change
Lancelot's form change:
Here are the forms of Percival:

The bosses in the game, wonder what Samurai to do with Arthurian legend.
It seems that i forgot to take the screen shot of the 3rd boss, basically th 3rd boss is the silver version of the final boss. In the final stage, there will be 2 mini boss before you face the final boss.
Each characters has their respective endings though in the end the ending are pretty much
the same. you can also see all of the characters final form in Percival's ending
I would recommend any beat em up fans to try this game since it is easily one of the better of its kind during its era, you can also play this game on Capcom classic collection Reloaded which is available for PSP and PS2 if my memory serves correctly.
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