Friday, February 9, 2024

Mechatalk Final Gear: Zero - Looming Moon

  30th Final Gear Mechatalk is here and It is no better than Zero herself if this Realm of Darkness mini series is going to conclude at this point! I would say Final Gear Mechatalk had pretty good run spanning over past 6 months. I have no any single regrets over the time that I spent to write the series every weekend since I believe that I need to give something in return to Final Gear for the pleasant mecha gaming experience even if it is not perfect. Therefore if the Final Gear Mechatalk series concluded with Zero, so be it but I will definitely put some more effort if Final Gear able to survive abit longer. Anyways let's what this best melee Waifu in Final Gear had to offer in this mechatalk.

 If Cid Kagenou from Eminence from Shadow born as female, Final Gear's Zero is probably something closest to it being the founder of independent legendary Mercenary group of Blackark. Born with tremendous mysterious power, Zero realized herself that she is very different compared to other people and thus live her life following her own design. When Kegha Imperial war broke out, Zero sets out as a mercenary and founded Blackark Mercenary Group. What started as a single personel courier service then become one of the legendary mercenary group as people flocks to Zero due to her immense power and mysterious attractiveness. Along with the current Blackark Captain's Father, Zero participate the Kegha Imperial war and probably achieved many legendary feats that allowed Arita broke free from Kegha Empire at the time. After the war subsided Zero left Blackark without prior notice as she is drawn to the mysterious Black Meteorite of Corbero region that seems to summon her with temptations of power.

In Final Gear Zero is Natural UR Heavy Striker class piloting Looming Moon, an imposing Tall Dark Mecha that looks like Alphamon armed with Scythe and definitely not an opponent to be trifled with, as she can easily mow down anything that came into her path.

 Being one of the best UR in Final Gear, Zero come with her own story event that narrates her journey with Blackark. Despite her status as the mysterious figure that found Blackark Mercenary group, Zero is quite a Chuuni herself constantly talking Cryptic words despite one of the few individual who possess tremendous power.

 Designed as the Top Waifu in Final Gear, Zero obviously have one of the best summer skin available for her as it reveals the other side that this power obsessed waifu had. I would have bought it in a heartbeat had the maintenance period had her banner available but the Dev decided not to because Zero and Ruby pretty much dominates the meta in Final Gear.

 Zero hands down is the best melee unit that Final Gear had as no melee units could survive 1-on-1 with her and her High Gear can deal Heavy Damage along with Stun effects for few seconds. While she can perform well in Heroics Conflict Zone, Zero really shine in PVP environment. With her overpowered kit, she reigns supreme in PVP scene and Ruby+Zero combination is always difficult to counter against unless you have a similar team. The only hard counter for Zero is to stun her with Nia before she gets into melee range with your team melee unit because she will gain debuff immunity once she gets to hit somebody. Murasaki could have worked too if not for her slow High Gear gain that will likely have the damage reflect activated only by the time most of the party member are downed.

 Zero had it takes to be Final Gear's Top Tier Waifu but the game just died prematurely before she had her own oath Skin. If Final Gear is still active with the update, We could have gotten a wedding dress for this Chuuni Waifu and I think it would be something similar to what Favia had. Overall Zero was one of the solid money maker for Final Gear and the Dev could have gotten some more extra mileage from her.

 Overall I am very happy to reach 30th Milestone for Final Gear Mechatalk. By this point this article series can be put to rest gracefully or continue for abit longer as long as the Global server allows the opportunity. Zero is probably one of the few units that I regretted not for pulling when her banner was available because I kept waiting for Noctris rerun and Komoe just did rather lousy job for her banner. I will definitely try my best to keep the series going at least until I got Ariel UR which is my last UR target.

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